Silk Way weekly interview with Abdullah Shafaei, PhD in public and private law and former member of the Independent Commission for supervision of the...
The Taliban’s Sexual Harassment Unheard of In The International Criminal Court

Silk Way weekly interview with Abdullah Shafaei, PhD in public and private law and former member of the Independent Commission for supervision of the...
Adele Azin Nazari Translated By Mohammad Sakhi Rezaie The “Purple Saturdays Movement”, one of the most active Afghan women’s protest groups against the...
Adela Azin Nazari Fatima Ahmadi is one of the members of the Afghanistan Women’s Movement for Justice. She grew up in Kabul, studied, married and became a mother...
Silk Way weekly interview with Abdullah Shafaei, PhD in public and private law and former member of the Independent Commission for supervision of the implementation of...
By: Adela Azin/Translated by Sakhi Rezaie Saimah, Fatemah, Fershtah and Zahra are from Ghazni and Kunduz provinces. Despite the ban on girls from school and university...
An interview with Shahrzad Akbar, the former head of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission and the executive head of the Rawadari Human Rights Organization...
By Aziz Edalat Translated by: Mohammad Sakhi Rezaie Over three and half a year, Afghan women and girls, have resisted against the discriminatory policies of Taliban and...
By: Hafez Translated by: Mohammad Sakhi Rezaie After 3 years under the rule of Taliban, only in two weeks, they closed more than 50 education classes in Hazarajat...
By: Hafez Translated by: Mohammad Sakhi Rezaie Hamza Ulfat, a young man about 30, was killed by an armed Taliban intelligence member after he was released from the...
Adela Azin Nazari The Window of Hope Movement has been one of the most active protest movements in the past three years. A small group of this movement was created in...
Adela Azin Nazari On November 2022, Zarifa Yaqoubi, Masoumah Hossaini, Zainab Rezaei, Ozra Hossaini and a number of other women went to a hotel in Kabul’s 18th...
Adele Azin Nazari Translated By Mohammad Sakhi Rezaie The “Purple Saturdays Movement”, one of the most active Afghan women’s protest groups against the...
Adela Azin Nazari Fatima Ahmadi is one of the members of the Afghanistan Women’s Movement for Justice. She grew up in Kabul, studied, married and became a mother...
Silk Way weekly interview with Abdullah Shafaei, PhD in public and private law and former member of the Independent Commission for supervision of the implementation of...
By: Adela Azin/Translated by Sakhi Rezaie Saimah, Fatemah, Fershtah and Zahra are from Ghazni and Kunduz provinces. Despite the ban on girls from school and university...