Human Rights Slide Show Women

Kaaj Library opened, managed by a woman in Bamyan


Silk Way Weekly: A library and bookshop was opened and is managed by a woman in Bamyan.

The library was opened on Tuesday, 31 January 2023, the Taliban Director of Culture and Information participated in the inauguration ceremony.

Nikbakht Thana, the founder and manager of the library who is a student of economy at Bamyan University, notes the aim of opening the library is to promote the reading culture among the people and create a conducive environment for research and studies, especially for women. Men only can lend books or buy books from the library.

Nikbakht Thana told JAW that when university was suspended on women she decided to open a library for women to provide them a safe and healthy environment to study and conduct researches.

According to Ms. Thana, the library was established by BARAC support and it has more than 500 books. She said there will be more books provided to the library.

Saiful Rahman, the Taliban Director for Culture and Information, welcoming the initiative said they supported promoting the culture of reading in Bamyan and lauded for opening more cultural centers in Bamyan.

After the Taiban take over, not only political and economic institutions collapsed but the cultural activities and culture of reading and conducting research declined severely too. Some cultural centers were closed due to not having the required facilities.

After the collapse of the former government in Afghanistan, it is the first time a woman opens a library and a cultural and research center in Bamyan.