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Tragedy Strikes in Jawzjan Province as Two Former Security Forces Members Found Dead

By: Murtaza Afzali
On: 04 Feb 2023
Silk Way Weekly: Jawzjan province, situated in northwestern Afghanistan, has witnessed a distressing incident where two former members of the country’s National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) lost their lives. According to local sources interviewed by Hasht-e Subh, Sattar Sirat, a former special forces member under the previous republic regime, was discovered deceased in the valleys of Jawzjan on Friday. He had been apprehended by the Taliban two weeks prior to his tragic fate.

Disturbingly, Sirat’s body displayed evident signs of torture and physical abuse, indicating a brutal and heinous manner of killing. Furthermore, reports from local sources in Jawzjan reveal the horrifying discovery of the charred remains of Enayatullah, a former police officer of the republic government, in Faizabad district.

Human rights advocates have expressed deep concern over the escalating killings of former Afghan security forces members. It appears that Taliban members have been relentlessly hunting down these individuals across Afghanistan. Just last week, at least four ANDSF members met mysterious deaths in Kandahar and Baghlan provinces, further intensifying the gravity of the situation.

The alarming wave of violence targeting former security personnel raises serious questions about the safety and security of those associated with the previous Afghan government, highlighting the urgent need for measures to protect their lives and ensure justice for the victims.

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