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The bloody days of killing the soldiers; Public amnesty was a trap

Jade Abresham weekly(silkway): New York Times Daily has recently conducted an investigative research showing the public amnesty of Taliban as a big lie and trap which the Taliban has used it as means of deceiving the former soldiers and killing them. According to New York Time only during the last 6 months about 500 former military personnel and government employees have been killed or disappeared by the Taliban.
In a recent incident, several former military personnel were detained and brutally killed by Taliban.
Samangan Province:
Taliban arrested more than 10 former public apprising members in Samangan province. They were detained following a Taliban delegation travelled to Samangan and other North provinces from Kabul.
Ghor province:
Taliban arrested on Friday April 29, Mohammad Othman Malikzada, a former LP in Tiura district of Ghor province saying he has links with the National Resistance Front.
Taliban also detained 4 former soldiers and 1 civilian by house to house search in Tiura district of Ghor province.
The local said the 4 soldiers were formerly members of public uprising members lead by Mohammad Othaman Malikzada. Othaman Malikzada is Mohammad Ebrahim Malikzada’s brother, the former MP from Samangan.
Taliban detain members of Malikada family accusing them of supporting the National Resistance Front as the former members of Jamiate Islami Party. Local people say Habibul Rahman Malikzada, brother of Othaman Malikzada, who was the former district governor of Tiura was killed in Herat some months ago.
Fromerly Taliban had srrested 3 people from Talkhak area of Lalandsarjangle district accusing them as supporting the National Resistance Front. There is no information about their about yet.
Badakhsahn Province:
Taliban on Friday April 29, arrested Abdul Hafiz Nazemi one of the former member of special forces from Badakhshan province. There is no information about his whereabouts yet. The local sources also told Jade Abresham that Taliban intelligence arrested Azizul Rahman Ghafri, the former police special force member from his home in Faizabad of Badakhshan. There is no information about his location yet.

Daikondy Province:
Bakhtawar, mother of Mohammad Ali, former military personnel from Patu district of Daikondi, says she has no information from his son since he was disappeared 9 months ago. Fatima told Etelaat Roz his son was a member of police force and has been arrested on the night Qandhar collapsed.

Nangarhar Province:
Local sources told media Taliban had shot killed a former member of public order police on April 29.
Taj Mohammad Malikzai, the former chief of police of Nangarhar has been shot dead in Dar e Noor district of Nangahr province.
Herat Province:
Local sources in Herat say Mohammad Sultani the former military personnel in Herat Police Chief has been killed by a Taliban member with knife. One of the relatives of Sultani said, Taliban asked Sultani to return to his office two times and he was always under watch by Taliban. However, Sultani did not believe in Taliban amnesty and had decided to leave the country to save his life. But Taliban killed him on April 1 in Pul Rangina of Herat with knife.

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