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Taliban kill Civilians Using Terrorist Tactics

On 20 June, Taliban detained the reporter of Hilay TV in Helmand and imprisoned him.

Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: Taliban’s Take Care government apparently has judicial institutions but they treat the civilians and war captives like the terrorist groups. Terror, bullying, mass killings, and torturing are the ways terrorist states apply that Taliban use in Afghanistan to suppress Afghan citizens.
On 20 June, Taliban beat a civilian person named Faridullah and he was unconscious due to being beaten. According to Faridullah’s relatives, he can’t speak now due to beating.
On 20 June, Taliban killed a civilian after he was severely tortured by them. The local people found his dead body from the river and buried him.
On 20 June, Taliban detained the reporter of Hilay TV in Helmand and imprisoned him.
Local sources say that Zawal Takal had gone to the prison to visit one of the prisoners, but he was detained after Hafiz Rashed the Director of Information and Culture Department of Helmand.
Taliban say they have found one-gram cannabis, but his relatives say that Zawal is not addicted to cannabis.
On 20 June, Taliban beheaded a civilian in Paryan district of Panjshir. Local sources say he has been beheaded charged with having relations with the NRF and throw away his body to the river.
In a recent development, one of the Taliban members, killed shot killed his colleague in the Directorate of Public Works of Faryab province.
On 19 June, Taliban detained and moved to an unknown place five civilians from Kalko and Korpitab villages of Paryan district. The local sources say that they have been civilians and farmers.

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