Human Rights Minorities Slide Show Special Reports

Taliban Torture Civilians after Defeated

Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: On 17 June 2022, the National Resistance Front attacked on a Taliban’s checkpoint in Tagab village of Khost district in Baghlan, killing 2 and wounded 3 others.
Local sources say that Taliban detained 20 civilians from Khost district after the attack. Taliban have also warned the local residents if they are attacked again, they would forcibly move them from their homes.
Residents of Chmalor Dare, Dushakh, Balaq, Narian and Bootawar of Rakha district of Panjshir have been forced to leave their homes, cattle and other properties.
On 19 June, Taliban detained and tortured some villagers of Jeshte and Kojan of Paryan district after they were defeated by the National Resistance Front.
Taliban are searching the house of the former security forces in Herat in order to seize their money, warfare, and lands.
Taliban have detained Arwin Amiri, an Afghan artist and film producer from Kabul and have taken him to an unknown place. Formerly, Taliban had beaten a journalist for wearing jeans and shaving his beard.
Taliban kidnap former judges and release them after taking money. In one case, they had AInuddin the former director of Ghor court and released him after receiving afs 500,000 from him.
Subhe Kabul daily has quoted Ghor sources wrote, Safiullah the Central Statistics Director of Taliban is involved in kidnapping the judges.