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RSF: Taliban shall provide access to information in the earthquake-stricken areas

Jade-Abresham(Silk Way) Weekly: On June 22, RSF urged the Taliban to provide more facilities for the journalists to cover the news of the earthquake-stricken areas in Paktika and Khost provinces. RJF in a twitt said, providing information in such a critical situation on the earthquakes of Afghanistan and its casualties, especially in Paktika and Khost provinces is very important.
Mawlawi Sharafuddin Muslim, Deputy Minister of the State for Natural Disaster Management Authority in a press conference say that 920 people were killed and 600 others were wounded.
Local sources in Paktika and Khost say that the casualties may increase and some people remain under the ruins yet.
A team of Taliban rescuers has been deployed to Paktika and Khost provinces and the group held an emergency meeting of the Taliban cabinet. The Chief Minister has allocated one million afs to address the casualties.

According to Reuters 950 people in Paktika and Khost provinces have been killed and 650 persons have been injured in the last night earthquakes in these two provinces.
Salam Watandar quoting Mohammad Amin Hazifa the director of the Information and Culture department of Paktika that 1000 people have been killed and 1500 people have been injured.

Khost and Paktika provinces were rocked by the deadliest earthquake on Wednesday with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake.

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