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Cultural Terror: Taliban Prevented celebration of “Gol e Badam” Festival of Daykundi

Translated by: M.Rezaie

The Silk Way Weekly: In the past years, in each new solar year, “Gol e Badam” Cultural and Artistic Festival was conducted in “Nalij” village in Berger area of Miramour district, Nili city of Daykondi.

People’s sources in Daikundi district of Miramour have said that this year, the officials of the administration of the Taliban for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in this province prevented holding of the “Gol Badam Festival” in Miramour. The residents of Miramor Daikandi district said that they had planned to slaughter nine heads of cows to celebrate Naw Roz and “Gol e Badam Celebration”; but Taliban prevented it.

The Department for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice of the Taliban in Daikundi had declared the commemoration of Now Ruz and the “Gol e Badam ” festival as “unlawful” and “alien and un-Islamic customs”.

The historical background of the Almond Flower Festival

The history of the Almond Flower Festival dates back to 2010. From then on to the collapse of the republic government, Daykondi provincial administration and on top of that, the Department of Information and Culture of this province, with the cooperation of farmers, celebrated the almond blossom season.

The Almond Flower Festival or “Gol e Badam ” festival was officially registered in 2017 with Ministry of Information and Culture of the former government of Afghanistan.

In Almond Flower Festival, local artists and poets, along with farmers and other citizens, had fun. In this festival, women’s local handicrafts, local art, native and local games were also displayed.

On the other hand, the farmers shared their challenges and achievements and their Garden products, especially Daykondi almonds, which have a good reputation in the markets and are of high quality, with the officials.
Also, in this festival, gardeners and farmers took the new year as a good omen for garden products, especially almonds.

Almond Cultural and Artistic Festival, was considered as one of the biggest festivals of Daykondi people.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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