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Silent genocide; some Pashtuns produce heroine in Lal wa Sarjangle district of Ghore province


10 September 2022
Silk Way Weekly: according to the local sources a girl has fallen off the top of mountain while collecting an herb named “Yama” and died in Dahan Barikak village of Lal wa Sarjangel district.

Local sources reported Jade-Abresham(silk Way)Weekly that some Pashtuns have come to Lal wa Sarjangle district operating narcotics production centers.

Local sources said that they produce heroine of Yama herb and that’s why Yama price has increased recently.

Heroine is considered as a genocide drug and due to this its production, selling and maintaining is illegal.

Heroine is the most dangerous drug in the world which caused the death of 22,000 people in 2015.

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