Human Rights Slide Show Women

My father calls Nargis involuntary and my mother cries


Ibrahim Mowahid

“After Nargis, the house is cold and empty; my mother by facing any Nargis’s sign, she is crying; my small brother doesn’t go to school and disappointed. I feel like all my wings are broken, I don’t know to watch my father’s withered face, either to console my mother’s broken heart.”

Now, more than a month has passed since the deadly event at Kaaj Educational Center, Sharifa – Nargis’s sister – narrates the sadness story losing of her sister and family challenges. She can’t speak normally and hatred squeezes her throat. Sharifa after a sad silence says: “That black Friday morning will never be forgotten. After Nargis, our life has become colorless; It’s like we all dead.”

Among more than 54 students who died in the attack at Kaaj educational center, one of them was Nargis – 18 years old. The girl who had tasted nothing but the bitter flavor of poverty; and never give up, the poverty stop her from learning. She has born in Daikonid and had lived for several years in Herat, then shifted to Kabul. “Always Nargis was scoring the first position in school and educational center, once for the first time at Kabul, she has taken the second position and was really upset.” Her sister says.

Sharifa explains that Nargis was young, but her thoughts and concerns were bigger than her age. She was disagreeing with other women and girls’ extreme behaviors and unusual ways struggles, she has known that the school is small for her development and therefore, she was taking preparation with very enthusiastic for entering to the university. “Maybe she didn’t know that she would never see the university.”

Nargis has received university entrance exam card only one day before the Kaaj suicide attack.

An unfinished dream; Nargis wanted to become a Doctor!

Nargis was witnessed deprivation and problems of women in Daikondy and wished to become a doctor for the future. Sharifa says: “In two recent years Narigs become younger and we understood each other better.” She says: Nargis was trying to become a doctor, because she was suffering from the pitiful situation of rural women and for this she dreamed her future as a doctor till to serve for her homeland women.

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