Human Rights Slide Show Women

Balkh Girls Protest Dispersed Violently


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): Local sources said that the Taliban fighters have detained and taken to an unknown place a number of Balkh girl students protesting the suicide attack on Kaaj Education Center.

Local sources reported that the Taliban fighters have taken the mobile phones of the protesting girls and gave beaten them up.

Balkh girl students reported from Balkh dorm that the Taliban fighters have closed the door of the dorm in order not to join the other protesting girls.

Local sources reported that the Taliban Red Corps have forced tens of girl students to get on a military ambulance and have moved them to an unknown place.
Local sources reported that the Taliban fighters have told them that these girls will not be released unless their families guarantee them.

Though the Taliban fighters prevented joining the girls to the protest by locking the dorm door and university exit gates, other students’ rallied chanting “Stop Hazaras Genocide”.

Balkh University girl students had already invited students to join the rally.

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