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during the house to house search, the Taliban male fighters check the women


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly- 27 December, 2022

Local sources in Kandahr said that the Taliban fighters in PD2 and PD3 of Spinbuldak district of Kandahar during the house to house searches have beaten up the former ANSF members and former government employees.

According to them the Taliban fighters harassed them during the house to house searches and have taken their IDs and uniforms.

According to the local sources as there is no female military personnel among the Taliban during the house to house search, the Taliban male fighters check the women.

Taliban go on the roof of houses during the nights to frighten the people and if they suspect anything they fire in the air.

Residents of Spinbuldak said that Taliban have violated their personal environment and even have checked their mobile phones and personal belongings.

The Taliban fighters broke into Geneal Alizai the former commander of Army Corp in Zherai district, killing his wife and daughter and injuring his another daughter and son.

The Taliban fighters during house to house search in Helmand killed two women and injured another one.

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