Minorities Slide Show

Taliban have detained some residents of Nahoor district to force them to confess the crime


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly- 27 December, 2022

Local sources in Ghazni reprted that the Taliban officials have approved the resident of “Orchogo” and “Ragh” villages of Nahoor district shall pay 2 million afs to a Kochi woman as compensation.

Kochis have claimed that years ago a Kochi woman has been injured by the villagers in these areas.

According to the Taliban decision, local people gathered 500,000 afs and sent to Taliban. But Taliban imprisoned the man who had brought the money and told the local people they will not release him unless they pay another 500,000 afs.

According to the Taliban Commission the residents of “Ragh” village shall be another 1 million afs.
Local sources in Nahoor district also reported that the Taliban officials have confiscated two houses of the local residents and submitted them to the Kochis.

Ali Hossain and Mohammad Reza yousufi were the owners of the houses and the Taliban fighters have made them to confess that their houses and lands belong to Kochis.

Local sources said that Kochis had no legal documents proving their ownership.

Local sources also reported that Taliban fighters have imprisoned two residents of “Jushan” and “Sabmalam” villages of Nahoor district accused of Killing two Kochis many years ago and taking 600 sheep of them.

The Taliban Commission have detained some residents of these villages to force them to confess the crime.

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