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House to House Search in Kandahar; Taliban Beaten Up Former ANSF Members


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): Local sources said that Taliban have beaten up former ANSF members and former government employees while searching their houses in PD2 and PD3 of Spinboldak district.

Local sources reported that Taliban have harassed former ANSF members and have taken their uniforms and IDs.

These local sources asserted that during house search Taliban search women too as there is no female security force among them.

During the nights Taliban climb on the houses and fire in the air to create panic among the people.

Residents of Spinboldak say Taliban do not observe the privacy of the people and they even search mobile phones and other private belongings of the people.

Taliban on 14 Septemebt entered to Alizai the former Army Corps commander in Zherai of Qandahar killing his wife and 2-year old son and injuring two other his children, one girl and one boy.

Taliban also killed two women and one man during house to house search in Helmand.

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