Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Taliban and Kochis Alignment; 10 families moved forcibly by Taliban


BY Mohammad Jan Ahmady

local sources reported on 19 september that Taliban forcibly moved ten families from Khidir district of Daykondi.
Taliban moved forcibly these families for an armed clash one Kochi had with two local residents and he was killed.

In connection to this incident Taliban detained some residents of “Pushtruq” village of Khedir district and put them under pressure to find and surrender the alleged killer to Taliban.

Local sources also reported that Taliban made the residents of “Pushtruq” village to forcibly move the family of the suspected killer. Taliban also have forcibly moved 10 families of the suspected killer and they have moved to another province.

At the same time, Taliban and Kochis have forced residents of Nahoor, aghori and Malistan districts to pay them blood money and the prices of weapons.

Free Afghan media reported that Taliban in the previous month detained some residents of Luman area in Jaghori and have beaten them up to give them weapons and then have taken 50,000 afs to 200,000 from them to free them.

Local sources said that there are now tens of families in Jaghori whose guardians have fled to the neighboring countries fearing Taliban.

Local residents in Malistan say that Taliban and Kochis have taken millions afs by force from them so far.

According to the local residents of Malistan, Local Taliban in a recent case took 6 million rupees for a claim made by Pashtun resident of Ajrestan district against Malistani residents.

Pir Mohammad a Pashton resident of Ajrestan district had complained to the Taliban local Administration that residents of Malistan district had taken his 700 sheep 34 years ago. As a result, Taliban forced the residents of Malistan to pay 6 million rupees to Pir Mohammad.

Taliban have taken a huge sum of money under pretexts such as blood money and theft.

Local sources in Bahaei area of Nahoor district said that Taliban imprisoned 8 innocent people accusing them of murdering a Kochi, and then have taken 1 million of Afghani from them to free them.

At the same time, Taliban forced the local residents of Nahoor district to pay 1 million afghanis as blood money for a Kochi woman who was killed 18 years ago in a clash between Kochis and the former government forces.

Since Taliban seized power there have been shocking reports of the Taliban alignment with Kochis and as a result Kochis have grabbed Hazaras lands and money under different pretexts such as blood money, price of weapons etc.

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