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Killing the Civilians; The Most Heinous Crime Taliban Committing in Afghanistan


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: Taliban group do not adhere to the public amnesty and they kill civilians in different parts of the country every day.
Systematic killing of a specific group of people of the country is war crime and genocide. Different reports show Taliban have shot killed non-PASHTOON civilians in Takhar, Baghlan, Faryab, Daykondi, Balkh and Bamyan.

Arbitrary killing of other ethnic groups in Afghanistan by the Taliban show they pursue ethnic cleansing in Afghanistan even by genocide. However, the world has kept silent on Taliban atrocities.

Panjshri: Local sources reported from Pansjshir that one man has died by Taliban torture on July 6.

Local sources added that the man had gone to the mountain with his wife for collecting wood but he was detained by Taliban and tortured. The report added that the wife of the man has been pregnant and has miscarried her baby.

Takhar: Local sources in Takhar province reported that a young man was mysteriously killed in Taluqan the provincial capital of Takhar. The said name of the man was Ahmad Sayed and had a juice shot in Taluqan.

Local sources say that tens of young men have been detained, tortured and taken to an unknown place so far.

Local sources reported that Taliban killed a young man accused of murdering and then put his dead body in the public place.

Taliban in a newsletter said this man had clashed with the Taliban forces after stealing and was killed by the Taliban. They had written on the dead body of the man “the murderer of Mujahidin was killed,”

Extrajudicial court is one of the killing methods of Taliban and they have killed hundreds of people without referring them to the justice system.

Ghazni: Taliban detained four foreigner journalists in Ghazni and took them to the police station on 13 July. The tourists have been from turkey visiting Ghazni menerates and they had been released after being interrogated.

Takhar: Local sources in Takhar said that one tribal leader and one young man have been detained in Farkhar district. They have been accused of cooperating with the NRF.

Local sources from Khajabahawoodin district report that Taliban have given a electric shock the civilians. They added that Taliban district intelligence has detained tens of people accusing them of cooperation with the NRF.

Taliban forces detained two civilians in Takhar and shot killed them on 21 July.

Local sources said that these two brothers had been detained by Taliban and then one of them were shot killed and the other one was injured.

Mawlawi Mohsen, support deputy minister of MOIA, has shot killed a … in Takhar.
Local sources said the man was killed on 23 July in Khnqah village of Farkhar.

Ghazni: Local sources from Jaghato district of Ghazni reported that the Nomades/Kochis supported by Taliban have grabbed the lands of the local people. These lands belonged to Hazaras of Ghazni which they have owned them legally for many years. Kochis are building apartments on these lands now.

Daykondi: Taliban have detained 3 civillians named Zahir, Noor Mohammad and Mir Afghan from Miramoor district. Taliban have moved these people to Ajristan district.

Faryab: Taliban intelligence detained a journalist and later released him after interrogating the journalist on 25 July.

Center of Afghanistan Journalists said he has been detained for his media activity and has been investigated.

United Nations recently published its report citing 173 cases of human rights violations against journalists attributing 163 to Taliban including 122 baseless detentions, 58 cases of misbehavior, 23 cases of threats and 12 irrelevant cases.
Taliban detained one person wearing military uniform from Dehmazang on 24 July.

Balkh: Local sources from Balkh reported that Taliban have detained 7 Balkhab locally displaced people in Balkh.

Local sources said that Taliban have not released these people though the local leaders and families of them have taken different measures to release them.

Local sources have added that the families of these people live in Mazar e Sharif in open space and have no food and other basic equipment.