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Cultural Crimes; Taliban Rebuilding the Old Bamyan City Contrary to the UNESCO Master Plan


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): Videos and pictures published by social media show Abdullah Sarhadi the Provincial Governor of Bamyan opening the reconstruction of Bamyan Old market or Bazare Kohneh Bamyan.

While Bamyan old market is in the red area of Bamyan Cultural Master Plan indicating that no construction is allowed in the area. Bamyan old market is located in front of Salsal statue of Buddha.

Bamyan Cultural Master Plan was developed in 2007 by UNESCO and cooperation of the former government of Afghanistan.

Local sources had already reported digging activities around Buddha Statue. Media reports and pictures also showed digging around Buddha’s Statue.

Taliban have not responded to this yet but, UNESCO had said it wound investigate the issue.

Budhha’s two Statues in Bamyan were exploded by Taliban in 2001. The former government of Afghanistan had taken several measures to reconstruct Buddha’s Statues but, did not succeed and these two statues were registered as the world heritage in danger by UNESCO.

There are 8 historical sites including Two Statues of Buddha registered by UNESCO. UNESCO has already warned about any constructions in the historical sites of Bamyan and has said it will delist them if constructions go on in these sites.