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International Amnesty Report; Afghan Women Under Horrific Atrocities


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: International Amnesty says the Taliban have formed a Suppressive System to gradually Kill Afghan Women.

The report says the Taliban beat on the breast and between the legs of women in order not to be able to show the signs of torture to the international community and media.

At the same time, Germany’s Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, said the Taliban have committed women’s women rights violations in the world.
Before this, Alison Davidian, the UN women representative had said that what is happening to Afghan women is an alarm to all world women.

After Taliban seized power in Kabul, they women’s freedom and banned girls’ schools above grade 7. Women who violate Taliban orders are detained by the Taliban and killed in different ways.

Incidents in different provinces in one week show that several women have been detained, tortured, and killed by the Taliban.

Herat: Taliban chief of police in Herat said two people (one man and a woman were detained by them and accused of having illegal relations on 28 July.

They said they had been detained in action and are under detention now.
They have confiscated to their crime.

Sometimes ago, the Taliban chief of police in Herat said they had detained a man and women accusing them of an illegal relationship.

Paktica: Local sources in Paktika say that a-six-year-old girl has been stoned and killed in Rohani Baba district.

Mohammad Jannat, father of the girl said that his daughter has been disappeared on the second day of Eidul Adha and he has found her dead body in the ruined buildings on 26 July.

Faryab: A girl killed herself by eating rat poison after she had quarreled with her father. Local sources say that the girl had been engaged to a young boy against 1,200,000 afs and had gone to Iran to work in order to pay the money. The young man had returned after 5 years after he could pay the required amount of money but, the father of the girl had asked the boy to give him a piece of land too.

Takhar: Local sources in Takhar say that a young girl named Rita have been injured by Taliban in Takhar on 26 July. Taliban gun fired on Rita in a police check point. Rita is hospitalized in Taluqan and the hospitalizedfficial said her health conditions was not good.

Badakhshan: Local sources say that a mother and her daughter had been whipped by Taliban in Nasi district on 20 July. Local sources reported that Mullah Fateh the Fridays Prayer and district governor of Taliban has whipped them 100 whips in the public place.

Local sources said they had been whipped for divorcing the girl and remarrying with the same person.

Takhar: Local sources said that Taliban whipped a woman for not having an intimate accompanying her. The 30-year-old woman had been whipped in the public place.

Ghor: Taliban whipped a man and woman charging them with illegal relationship.
At the same time, local sources reported that Taliban detained a man and women accused of fleeing from home on 22 July. The man and woman had been from Qadis district and lived in Ghor capital center.

Faryab: Local sources said that armed men shot killed a-5-yaer old girl in Kohistanat district. Local people reported the girl had been killed by Taliban.

Nangarhar: Local sources reported to Jade Abresham Weekly that Salgi Ehsas the announcer of Ineks radio-tv in Sorkhrod district of Nangarhar had been severely beaten up by Taliban.

According to the local sources armed men had injured her and local people had transferred her to the hospital.

Kabul: Local people said that the Taliban detained a young girl from Pul e Sukhta of Kabul and have taken her to an unknown place.

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