Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Remembering the Forgotten; Taliban shot and killed 7 Hazara Passengers on 11 March 2020

Mohammad Ahmady
Translated by M. Rezaie
On 11 March 2020 Taliban shot and killed 4 Hazara Passengers of Lalwasarjangal district of Ghor province.
The provincial governor of Ghor had said the Taliban had taken down Hazara passengers in the Shania passage and then shot and killed them. Then the residents of Lalwasarjangle residents held the dead bodies on their shoulders and protested against the killing of the passengers. They asked the former government to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
Sarwar Danish the former Vice President, in a statement called the incident a sad and tragic event; it read four innocent civilians have been killed in a horrible way but it is neither the first nor the last tragic event of this type of tragic event.
Danish accused the Taliban of the killing of four innocent Hazara passengers and had said The Taliban by such brutal killing of innocent people showed they are neither peaceful nor deserve it.
Dr. Sima Samar, Chief of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, twitted, “Killing civilians can be considered a war crime. The government must ensure security and justice for the victims.
Ruqia Naeil, the Ghor representative in the Afghanistan National Assembly, wrote on her Facebook, that killing four Hazara members on Shania Passage to Dawlatiar district was shocking. She had emphasized that he t atrocity of the Taliban and the carelessness of the government was the main reason behind such tragic incidents.

After 10 days, 3 other Hazara passengers were shot and killed by the Taliban
After 10 days Taliban forces shot and killed 3 Hazara passengers on Ghor-Herat highway.
Abdul Zaher Taizzada the then governor of Ghor had told the media that the Taliban had taken down 3 Hazara passengers from a flying coach vehicle and then shot and killed them.
On 25 July 2014, the Taliban shot and killed 14 Hazara passengers on the Lal-Firuzkoh route. There was a newly married couple among the victims which were named the Bride and Groom of Firuz koh.
Waiting for Justice
Now Taliban, which has close relations with other terrorist groups including Al-Qaeda, is in power in Afghanistan and has monopolized the power. And They continue training suicide bombers and they have committed genocide proven based on reliable evidence. However, no government and Human Rights organization pursue bringing the Taliban to justice and making them accountable for their genocide and other crimes.
The families of these victims expect the Taliban to be brought to justice.

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