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Malala Yousufzay to Taliban; Let Afghan Girls Study

Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: Malala Touysufzai the Pakistani activist on girls’ education and the Noble Peace winner, Urged Taliban to let the Afghan girls study.
On 10 June 2022, Malal Yousuzay and Gerta Tunberg the Swedish environment protection activist pledged their support of Afghan girls’ education. They urged Taliban to open school girls in Afghanistan.
Gerta Tunberg writing a slogan on her hand, “Climate justice include the of the girls to education.” She said.
Malal Yousufzay, had already strongly opposed the “forced hejab” on Afghanistan women by the Taliban group. On 9 May, Malala in a twit said Taliban want to deprive women and girls from the public sphere. They deprive girls from school and women from the work. They restrict women travel and force them to cover them from head to the toe. Yousufzay had asked all the world women to stand firmly beside the Afghan women.
Two months ago, Malala’s family had said education is a human right and Taliban shall not close the school doors on Afghan girls. ‬‬‬
Ziauddin Yousufzay the father of Malala, had said, “200 school ban means 200 dark days. Let the dawn emerge. Let the lights shine and education is a basic human right.”
UN; Taliban Leaders have difference on Girls School opening
On 11 June, Scat Smith the Head of UNAMA in Afghanistan, participating in a meeting in the US Foreign Affairs Council said the Taliban leaders have difference on opening the girls school.
Smith emphasized Taliban were not honest on opening girls school over grade 7. He added the leaders of Taliban have difference on many issues and especially on girls’ education. However, Zabihullah Mujahid the spokesperson of Taliban has repeatedly denied any difference among the Taliban leaders and has termed it as a propagation of the media.

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