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Crime level Increased in Afghanistan; Taliban in Charge

Sameer Sirat has been going to his house in Arzan qimat while the thieves shot him in the eyes.

11 june 2022
Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): No one is secure under the Taliban rule and people are detained and killed charged with different pretexts. However, the Taliban are directly in charge. Because Taliban rule has increased poverty, hunger, and crimes in Afghanistan and gender-based discrimination is once more in place in the country.
In a recent incident, two women have been ganged raped and then hanged in the water well. There has also been shocking news around the country was have been covered in this report.
On 4 May 2022, armed thieves killed a stomatology student of Kabul Medical University in Dehbori cross road. Sameer Sirat has been going to his house in Arzan qimat while the thieves shot him in the eyes.
Local sources say Nematullah “Turjan” a resident of Nawzad district has been lost for some days having 1200,000 Pakistani rupees. with him. His body was found in Dilaman village after days.
On 3 June 2022, a forest guard was killed in Kiti district of Daikondi province. The bodies of two people were already found in the area but their identities could not be identified.
Local sources in Nangarhar province say a young man named Zamir Khan, hanged and killed himself after quarrelling with his family in Kama district.

Local sources say, on 29 May 2022, a muzzin was killed in Mianshakh village by thieves while going to the mosque.


Local sources say, on 29 May 2022, a muzzin was killed in Mianshakh village by thieves while going to the mosque.
On 30 April 2022, a man was killed after he won a legal suit in Pasaband district of Ghor province. Taliban officials in Pasband said they had arrested a man in connection on this issue.
Local sources say the dead body of a beheaded 33-year-old woman named Rita was discovered in a water well in Balkh province.
Taliban spokesperson for Balkh Governor Office said they had arrested 4 men, but the wife of the woman is the main perpetrator.
Local sources in Kabul say Qari Kabir was lost one month ago and his family received his body on 10 June 2022 from the forensic medicine department. People say stray dogs had eaten the body of Kabir and the residents of Ziarta Tamim Ansary had found and submitted his body to the Taliban.
According to local sources, on 6 June 2022, Haji Ahmad, one of Samngan’s exchangers, was shot dead in Rabatak area. Armed men had taken his 80, 000 and then killed him.
Local sources in Samangan say, on 4 June, the dead bodies of two women were found in a water well in Hazrat Sultan district. The local sources say women have been first rapped and then killed and thrown into the water well.
In a situation where Afghanistan faces a lack of rule of law and the Taliban act as a terrorist group, increasing the crimes is a common issue. Because it is impossible to enforce the law in the absence of a rule of law and powerful security institutions.

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