Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

The Killed List; Taliban’s Blade in Killing the People Sharpened


Taliban forces shot dead an innocent farmer in Panjshir.

11 june 2022
Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): The recent incidents show the Taliban’s blade in killing specific members of the society has been sharpened. Some cases are horrifying! Taliban shot dead 12 people for a night party in Baghlan province. And then they told the local people “sharia’ does not allow night parties.
Ethnic retaliations are another issues which is common now in the non-Pashtoon areas. Taliban forces shot dead an innocent farmer in Panjshir.
The retaliate in Central Highlands under the name of Kochis from Hazaras. Kochis are fueling tensions in Hazarajat. A Kochi was killed in 1984 during a clash between the Kochis and local people in Sangtakht district of Daikondi and now Kochis supported by Taliban force the people to pay blood price while no one cares about the local people who were killed in the same clash.
Some new cases of such issues been discussed in the following lines.

Taliban have beaten up a doctor and the ambulance driver in Shinwari district of Parwan.
The local sources told media the ambulance was carrying a Kochi who was injured in armed clash with the local people in Shaikh Ali district. 10 members of the local people have been injured as well.
Local sources say on 28 May 2022, Taliban forces have detained more than 20 residents of Korpitab district including elderly men, farmers, shepherds and children, then they have been tortured and taken to an unknown place.
Taliban shot dead their livestock, dogs and destroyed their houses. Taliban had formerly shot dead two young brothers in Shalkacha village of Parian district.
Local sources say Taliban have detained and prosecuted a man who had illegal relation with a woman in Ghor. Taliban say they had illegal relations, had each other’s photos and phone contacts.
3 people were injured in Taliban firings on the vehicle of the groom and bride in Sorkhrud district of Nangarhar province.
The incident occurred on 26 May and the bride has been injured too.

Hassani is currently in prison and efforts to release him had no positive results yet.

On 29 May 2022, detained and tortured Mirza Hassani the editor in chief of Radi Aftab and Chairperson of Herat Civil Society Network. Hassani is currently in prison and efforts to release him had no positive results yet.
Local sources in Kandahr say, on 29 May 2022, Taliban detained Pacha the former district police chief of Ghorak. There is no information about his whereabouts.
Local sources say Taliban had detained and tortured 3 civilians namely, Mohammad Hanif, Allah Mohammad and Mohammad Agha from Kalko village and Zamaruddin, Afesqalkhan Aghamir and a shopkeeper from Parian district of Panjshri. On 31 May 2022, Taliban detained 10 civillians from Shalakcha district of Pansjshir and tortured them charging them to have relations with NRF.
Local sources say Taliban shot dead 12 people in a checkpoint for a night party in Baghlan province. And then they told the local people “sharia’ does not allow night parties.
Local sources say Taliban detain children with no charges and then release them to have security achievements!
On 2 June 2022, Taliban entered by force in Aiatuulah Mohaqiq Kabuli Office in Ghanzni and tore apart all the equipment. Before this, Taliban forces interrupted the meeting of Shai religious scholars and tore up their banners.
Local sources say on 3 May 2022, Taliban detained a former security force in Salnag district charging him in cooperating with NRF. Nasrudding who has been detained by Taliban had no relations with armed groups and had given his gun to the Taliban authorizes as well.

A man died under Taliban torture on 2 May 20022, in Bazarak district and his body was transferred to his family.

A man died under Taliban torture on 2 May 20022, in Bazarak district and his body was transferred to his family.
On 9 June 2022, Taliban moved a married woman from Pashi village of Maistan district to Dahanbum village of Urozgan province.
Taliban have confirmed that they have kidnapped the woman.
On 18 June 2022, a farmer man was shot dead on his farm by Taliban in Shatal district of Panjshir.
Taliban forces have detained brother of a former national security force from Dahanqul village of Khidir district. Taliban want 60 guns and ammunition to release the man.
Richard Bennet the UN Human Rights Rapporteur in Afghanistan during an 11-day trip to Afghanistan said living in Afghanistan under Taliban was horrifying, but the international community and the UN only express concerns and they have not taken any serious steps to prevent illegal killings, force moves and retaliate killings by the Taliban.

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