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Taliban Counter Narcotics Manager Detained in Bamyan

Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): Qari Abdul fatah manager of Counter Narcotics police for Bamyan was detained. Local sources say that he was detained by Abdullah Sarhadi bodyguards and then was sacked from the office. Qari Abdullah has been accused of selling some amounts of heroines captured from the smugglers. Abdul Sabor Saighani, spokesperson of Bamyan governor have confirmed the news. Number of the addicted people have increased in Bamyan after the Taliban take over. Local sources say the addicted persons come from other provinces to Bamyan.

Two narcotics factories were seized in Bamyan sometimes ago. And the leader of Taliban has recently issued a decree banning cultivation, production and smuggling narcotics. It was formerly said that Taliban annually earned Millions of US Dollars through cultivating, producing and smuggling narcotics.

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