Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Taliban and Ethnic Cleansing in the North and Central Afghanistan

Ali Zahak
Translator: M-Rezaie
The Taliban group is an ethnic oriented group under the shadow of Islamic government and reviving the sharia, to revive their ethnic hegemony. Assessing the leadership structure, the take care government cabinet, and more important than that the treatment of Panjshir, Baghlan, Takhar and Jawzjan people, prove that, Taliban are looking for strengthening their ethnic absolute domination and ethnic cleansing in these areas.
On 28 May, 2022, Taliban forcibly moved 70 families from Andarab of Baghaln convicting them to be in contact with the National Resistance Front (NRF). NRF, one of the active resistance fronts fighting Talibaban,
has confirmed the news, and the local sources say the local people who have been displaced by force, have been tortured and beaten by the Taliban too. Hazaras and Tajiks constitute most of the citizens of Andarab district where there has been fierce fighting between the Taliban and the NRF. Forced displacement is not limited to Andarabha, Taiban have announced hundreds of families in Warsaj district of Takhar and Khost district of Baghlan to leave their homes. They have kidnapped women and children in Khsot district in order to make them leave their homes.
The situation is very bad in Panjshir. Taliban have shot killed dozens of civilians convicting to cooperation with the NRF. They also have killed children and women. The Taliban group have made the residents of Dare Hazara to sign a commitment letter committing them not to allow the NRF to stage attacks on Taliban from there. 50 elders and influential figures from Abdullah Khil and Tondkho villages of Dare Hazara district have signed the commitment letter by force. This commitment letter show how violently Taliban treat people in these areas. If there was not such a guarantee letter and the NRF conducted an attack on Taliban, local people may have been killed by Taliban.
NRF and Taliban have been fighting in north and north east of Afghanistan for months. Taliban have staged several overall attacks on NRF in Pajshir and have used all the options on the desk. High raking Taliban leaders have travelled to Panjshir, they have shot dead women and children eg. 2 children and a woman were shot dead some days ago in Panjshir by Taliban. The local residents have fled to the mountains fearing the Taliban. Reports on social media show these people need direly humanitarian aid.
A commander of Taliban in Tagab Imand Dareh of Warsaj district gave a 5-day deadline to the local residents to leave their homes and if not so, their homes would be bombarded by Taliban air forces. They had formerly shot dead 6 people, including one teacher and one farmer, in the area.
According to the reports, Taliban forcibly displaced 5 families from Naghnak viallge of Pul hesar district of Baghlan, convicting to having relations with the NRF. Reports also show, Taliban have put the families of the NRF members to make them to surrender, and if not so, they will be forcibly displaced from Panjshir. As a result, some of these families left their homes and Taliban change them to their military bases.

Armed Kochis, supported by Taliban, are putting under pressure the people in Jawzjan province. Kochis attacks in the North and Central Afghanistan, is one of the main challenges of the local residents. They have destroyed the farm lands and seized them in Jawzjan. According to the local residents, Kochis have been in Abgarmi, dasht laili, Zamarod and Quban of Darzab and Khawja Du Koh districts for 3 months. The local people say Kochis have seized tens of hectares of their lands by force. However, the local residents have complained to the Taliban authorities several times, but they have not paid heed attention to their complaints. Reports show provincial Deputy Governor and Head of the Provincial Court of Jawzjan support the armed Kochis.
Armed Kochis are harassing the people in Hazarjat supported by Taliban. Evidence show armed Kochis use government vehicles armed with light and heavy weapons.
Residents of Panjshir and Andarabha are not secure even in Kabul. Dozens of Panjshir and Andarabha residents have been detained and tortured in Kabul. Such behaviors show systematic ethnic cleansing in the north Afghanistan in general, and it is specifically conducted in Panjshir and Andarabbha of Baghlan. However, Taliban deny all them. But the videos and documentary reports published on social media show Taliban violate human rights by killing the civilians and forced displacements. Human rights situation is deteriorating in the mentioned areas to counter the NRF and in order to strengthen the ethnic domination of Taliban in these areas.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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