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The Bleeding Balde of Emarate; Taliban Beheaded Four Civilians in Baghlan

Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): The Taliban fighters on 17 June, 2021, beheaded four people from Bano area of Andarab district of Baghlan.
Local sources say that the beheaded people were from Faryab, Baghlan, Konduz and Maidan Wardak provinces.
Local sources in Baghlan say that these people were accused of cooperating with the NRF but they had no links with the mentioned front. In the same day, Taliban entered by force into the house of Mehrabuddin, one of the residents of Khost district, and killed his young son accusing him of having relations with the NRF.
The local sources in Baghaln say when Taliban were beating Suhrab, his sister aged 17, puts herself on Suhrab to prevent him from beating by Taliban, but Taliban shot dead both Sohrab and his sister.
Taliban have killed tens of former security forces and civilians while they have announced public amnesty.
However, Taliban have largely violated human rights and committed war crimes in Panjshri and Baghlan provinces. They have forcibly moved hundreds of families and hundreds of civilians including women and children have been detained and shot dead by the group.

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