Human Rights Slide Show Women

A Woman presenter: Now, we are forced to observe mask

Video Text: Decision making in Media is made by the directors and managers of the relevant departments (decisions about the screen and Scene). As a result, they are the main decision makers. However, according to the new decree of the Taliban Care Taker Government, and especially the Ministry for Ordering to Vice and Prohibiting of virtue, Women presenters must not go on scene without wearing a mask, according to their religious arguments and justifications. Now, we are forced to observe it, because they have ordered us in a harsh manner to do it. Further, no authority of the Islamic Emarat, told us not to do it. Beside this, the move made by our male co-workers to object the Taliban decision is a positive objection move and it shows that Afghan men stand with the Afghan women and they voice what is right along with the Afghan women. Therefore, I consider this move as a positive move and hope to achieve a good result.