Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

List of the Killings; Human Rights Situation Under Taliban Government Shocking(3)

a man killed her wife in Trinkot, the capital city of Oruzgan province.

Mohammad Ahmady
Translated by M. Rezaie
Richard Bennett, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan by the UN Human Rights Council, who is currently in the country, has said the attacks on civilians must stop and the perpetrators must be brought to justice. But the Taliban have increased their attacks on civilians and many are killed by them every day. Detention, killing, and forcibly making the people leave their homes are regularly done in the country.
According to the reports, Richard Bennett would visit the location of the recent terrorist attacks and talk to the families of the victims.
Bennett in a series of twits announced his journey to Balkh province. He said he had visited the Shiite mosque (the Se Dukan mosque), which in a suicide attack on the mosque about 150 Shiite Muslims were killed and wounded.
He termed the suicide attack as heartbreaking and violent against Hazara Shiites.
ISKP accepted the responsibility for the deadly attack at the Shiite mosque, but the authorities of the former government and the Taliban have repeatedly said, ISKP does not have a physical presence in Afghanistan.
Ricahrd Bennett Richard Bennett, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan by the UN Human Rights Council have raveled traveled to Afghanistan in a time when criminal events have increased in Afghanistan and the Taliban forces detain, shot dead, and forcibly move them on baseless reasons.
This report reviews the criminal incidents and target attacks of the Taliban on civilians in the provinces with the majority of non-Pashtun residents and shows the human rights situation is shocking and frightening in the country.
Kabul (2 May 2022)
Local sources told media the Taliban detained Ahmad Saifi , the former government official, from Kharikhana about 6 days ago and his location is not clear yet.

photo: social media

The Taliban have repeatedly said the general amnesty applies and those who violate it would be identified and punished.
The human rights organizations say The Taliban use the general amnesty as a tap to catch the former ANDSF and civilian officials in order to kill them.
The New York Times had already published an investigation report saying “A New York Times opinion investigation reveals that nearly 500 former Afghan security forces and government officials were killed or forcibly disappeared during the Taliban’s first six months in power as the Islamic Emirate.”
The Taliban officials have confirmed the killing of a woman on Thursday, May 19, 2022, by her husband in Deh Rawod district of Urozgan province.
On the same dame, another man killed her wife in Trinkot, the capital city of Oruzgan province.
The real cause of these killings is not identified, but domestic violence has dramatically increased after the Taliban take over.
The Taliban forces shot dead Abdul Zaher the former intelligence chief of Baharak district of Takhar on May 19, 2022, in Kotrama village. The local sources told the media Abdul Zaher had no military or political activities after the Taliban take over.
Armed motorcyclist men shot dead a money exchanger and his son in Rastaqabad of PD4 of Konduz city. In addition to that, the perpetrators had planted IED on the way of the convoy carrying the body of the victims to the public cemetery and wounded 5 other persons.
In an explosion of a bullet head on May 20, 2022, one child was killed and another was wounded in Ghazni city. A grenade exploded on Ma7 17, 2022, on the way to a school in Malistan district of Ghazni killing one student and cutting the hand of another girl student.
UNICEF has already expressed worries over the security in the country saying about 301 children have lost their lives during the 7 months of the Taliban government in explosions across Afghanista
The Taliban forces on May 20, 2022, forcibly displaced the families of Mamorgul Noorzad Andarabi and Yaqub Ali Khan and the Taliban forces have used their houses as war trenches and bothering the local people.
The local sources also said the Taliban forces have forcibly displaced about 30 families from Andarab district of Baghlan.
The Taliban officials in Samagan province have confirmed on May 20, 2022, a man killed her wife with a knife and wounded his children.
Local sources told media that on May 20, 2022, Zainullah the resident of Urozgan killed his 9-year-old wife by beating up her severely.
The local sources said the father-in-law of Zainullah had engaged with Zainullah’s sister in exchange for his daughter.
The Taliban forces on May 21, 2022, forcibly displaced the families of Mohammad Alam and Rahimullah the members of the National Resistance Front, and use their houses as the war trenches.
The local sources told 8. AM Daily the Taliban officials have ordered to forcibly displace members of the National Resistance Front.
Local sources on May 22, 2022, said the dead body of a beggar has been left on Darulaman street and nobody has transferred it yet.

Some days back, a person set himself on fire for poverty and unemployment and died after he was taken to the hospital.

We call on the United Nations, to prevent the Taliban from killing civilians and former security forces besides conducting investigations on suicide attack casualties in Afghanistan. Killing former security and government officials is a serious issue that has been neglected by human rights organizations so far.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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