Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

The Killings List; Taliban shot and killed members of a specific ethnic group

Mohammad Ahmady
Translated by M. Rezaie
During the recent days Taliban have resorted to ethnic cleansing and retaliation instead of threatening and killing the people. The recent events the past week show the Taliban have targeted members of a specific ethnic group and have shot and killed them.
Although the Taliban leaders have spoken once and again about the public amnesty, the local sources in different provinces said the Taliban are the recent killings.
In this report, some of the recent bloody events have been mentioned which the Taliban military forces have directly been involved in them.

Mohammad Amin Bromand, the former deputy of Zafar Corps 207, and took him to an unknown place.

Baghlan local sources told the media that the Taliban military forces have arrested Mohammad Amin Bromand, the former deputy of Zafar Corps 207, and took him to an unknown place.
Broman was detained on 7 May 2022 and there is no information about his where about yet.
Taliban detained on a number of Abdullah Khil Valley residents on 7 May 2022 and have beaten them for having connections with the National Front Resistance. In the same day, Taliban detained a number of Panjshri people from Khiar Khana and Gozargah areas and transferred them to an unknown area.
Local sources in Panjshri said the Taliban on Saturday May 8 2022, killed one women and 8 civilians in Abdullah Khil Dareh of Panjshir province. The main reason of killing the civilians have been cited the defeat of the Taliban in recent clashes with the National Resistance Front.
Local sources in Behsud said on Tuseday 20 May 2022, armed Kochis clashed with armed persons in Dahan e Sang area of Behsud district. Local sources say armed Kochis attack on the agriculture lands of the local residents and spoil their crops by their camels and cattle. One Kohci has been killed and one Kochi has been wounded due to the armed clash. Taliban had decided that those Kochis who have land in the area can settle on their lands without arms.
However, they have violated that approval and settled in the area using arms and violated the rights to the properties of the local people.
Ghor Province
Armed Kochis have moved their cattle to Lalwasarjangal district of Ghor province, Shahristan district of Daikondi province, Waras district of Bamyian province, Behsud and Daimirdad districts of Maidan province and Nahoor district of Ghazni province so far.
The Taliban have used by force the Cher’s grasses of Khawat, Yakhshi wa Mirbacah of Nahoor district of Ghazni province and have made the live even more bad for the people.
Panjshir Province
The Taliban forces detained Jamshid, the former officer of MoD from his home in Tonkhoi village of Panjshir province and shot and killed him outside his house. They have accused him of having relations with the National Resistance Front.
Local sources said Taliban had shot and dead on May 12, a resident of Abshar district of Panjshir convicting him of having connections with the National Resistance Front. Dadullah was a shop keeper and farmer. Taliban shot and killed him before his family members.
Takhar Provicne
Taliban had given a 5-day deadline to 600 families in Imand Dareh of Warsaj district of Takhar province to leave their homes. If not so, they would be bombarded by the Taliban.

Taliban had previously given 6 day deadline to the residents of Abdullah khil, Chalchoi,Dehbabali and Abshar district of Panjshir to evacuate their homes in 6 days.
Bamyan Province
Shakil, a young girl, hanged out herself on May 12, 2022 in Waras district of Bamyan province. It is not clear why she has hanged out herself, but under the Taliban government poverty and domestic violence against women has increased dramatically in Afghanistan.
Daikondi Province
Local sources said on May 22, 2022, a young girl was killed by gun shot in Dahan Gharak village of Sangtakht district of Daikondi province. It is not clear why she has been killed yet.

Yama Nasimi, a university student, was taken out of his home on May 12, 2020 by a Taliban intelligence member and then was shot and dead in Kabul.

Yama Nasimi, a university student, was taken out of his home on May 12, 2020 by a Taliban intelligence member and then was shot and dead in Kabul.
Nasimi ,a amin resident of Khost and Fering district of Baghan province, was studying computer science in Kabul university.
Samangan Province
Local sources said on May 12, 2022, a man killed his wife, Atika Khanum, by hitting stone on her head.

Ghazni Provicne
Local sources said on May 12, 2022, when a young man proposal was rejecting fired on the mother and girl, killing the mother and wounding the girl.
Kabul Province

Arbab Firuz, a former military officer along one of his relatives, in Sorkh Qala of Roeduab district of Samangan province.

Local sources said on May 12, 2022, The Taliban members killed mohammad Hadi Amiri, a businessman, in Khair Khana of Kabul. The Taliban forces shot and dead Amiri in a check point.

Samangan Province
Local sources said on May 12, 2022, shot and dead Arbab Firuz, a former military officer along one of his relatives, in Sorkh Qala of Roeduab district of Samangan province.
Baghlan Province
Local sources said on May 14, 2022, the Taliban forces shot and killed Gulrahman, a civilian person, in Chaman Nawbahar of Pulhesar district of Baghlan province. They said Gulrahman was severely tortured before being killed. Local sources said the Taliban had accused Abdulrahman of having connections with the National Resistance Front.
Kandahar Province

Local sources said on May 14, 2022, Ershad Ahmad Fazli, deputy manager of Afghan-Turk High School, was killed with a knife by unknown men.
Zabul Province
Local sources said on May 13, 2022, Aziz Khan, a 14-year-old student, was abused for several times in his home and then was killed.
Taliban have arrested 3 people in connection on this issue. Locals sources told media that 3 children were killed in separate incidents in zaubl province.
Panjshir Province
Local sources said on May 15, 2022, the Taliban forces killed one young boy and wounded another one while they were working on their farms in Panjshir province.

Baghlan Province
Local sources said on May 14, 2022, four civillians were shot and killed in Pulehesar Andarab district of Baghlan province.
Mohammad Hassan son of Abdul Ghani, Ghulam Qadr, Mujahid and Payanda Mohammad from Pulehesar district were taken to an unknown place and then they were shot and killed in Dare Andarab of Baghlan.
Panjshir Province
Local sources said on May 15, 2022, about 70 Rangers of Taliban were deployed to Panjshir province and they killed several young men in Shalkacha, Korpitab, chahmar of Parian district of Panjshir.

Farah Province
Local sources said on May 16, 2022, Taliban clashed with the local residents on collecting a natural herb in Parchaman district of Farah province which resulted to wounding of several people and torturing and imprisoning some other men. Taliban have assigned one of their members to control the area that these natural herbs grow there. The local residents have opposed the decision of the Taliban.
Badakhshan Province
Local sources said on May 16, 2022, shot and killed two civilians named Abdulghafar son of Mohammad Hassan and Abdulfatah son of Haji Hassan in Karanwamanjan district of Badakhsahn province. Local sources said they were accused of criticizing the Taliban take carte government.
Shot and killing the members of specific ethnic and religious groups is a continuous tragedy nowadays in Afghanistan.
The Taliban forces pursue two main goals by Shot and killing members of non-Pashtun groups: to suppress them and continue retaliate and show their savagery.
At the same time, Afghan citizens complain that replacing the Taliban members who speak in Pashtu in the non-Pahstoon areas is dangerous and if the situation deteriorates, a full scale massacre may occur in the area.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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