Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Kochis Are Planning to Sieze Jaghori Lands

Source: Local Sources in Ghani
Early morning today, the representative of the people contacted me from Jaghori and said 14 Kochi households along with their cattle have arrived to Kotal Riggardan of Jaghori district. The local people are worried about their fields because when 14 cattle pass from the area and cross their fields, then nothing will be left for them.
As a result, residents of ‬Oliato, Khodidad, Barik and Shoghla have informed the Jaghori district authorities that 14 cattle, each more than100 goats and sheep, if pass the area will leave nothing of agriculture for the local residents. Because all of their agriculture farms will be destroyed.
Then the local residents decided ‬to send the local influential and representatives of the people along with the deputy chief of police of Jaghori district to meet the representatives of Kochis and share the concerns of the local people with them. ‬
He said, we went to the area and discussed the issue in the presence of the Jaghori police chief with the representatives of Kochis. We asked them where they were going along with 14 cattle and they said they were going to the Mirdina of Malistan district. ‬They said they only wanted to pass from Jaghori and go to their main destination.‬
The representatives of the people told Kochis, passing through the valleys and agriculture lands of Jaghori residents was wrong. Further, these valleys don’t have the capacity of such cattle. Therefore, they will destroy all the crops of the farmers and nothing will be left for them. ‬‬‬‬‬
It is worth mentioning Hazarajat faces two big challenges this year; presence of armed Kochis in the area and drought. ‬These two challenges threaten seriously the lives and crops of the people.
‬Finally, Kochis changed their destination by the arbitration of Jaghori district police chief and they decided to go through Nahoor desert to their destination in Malistan district.
In addition to that, some other Kochis came to Shishpar through Nahoor desert and then they will go to Sabznala area. Local residents did not allow them to go through their fields. Shihspar residents had already opened a lawsuit against Kochis. According to the people, the Taliban group, during their first round of rule, had told both sides to present their documents to ‬the Ghazni provincial court. No more Kochis, except 3 households, are allowed to come to the area and use the water of Shah Welaiatmab until the case is finalized.
But this time, after the opposition of the people to the presence of the Kochis in the area, they increased their numbers from 3 to 14 households. ‬Their cattle which include thousands of sheep and goats, pass through the fields every day to drink water. As a result, the people of shishpar have complained to the district government again to prevent Kochis of destroying their fields.
The deputy chief of Police of Jaghori district agreed to accompany the representatives of the Shishpar people to go to the residential place of Kochis to talk with them. Their elder,Pal Mohammad, negotiated with us. The deputy chief of police of Jaghori district shared the concerns of the people with him and reminded him to not bother the local people.
He told the deputy chief of police that, Kochis have not bothered the local people, but the local people have prevented Kochis of entering to the area. He said Kochis have gone to all parts of Hazarajat and have faced no objections, but they have been prevented of passing from Shishpar.
Deputy chief of police said, your lawsuit is going on in the provincial court, unless it is final you are not allowed to enter the area.
Pal Mohammad said the local people may take two actions; they either allow our cattle to drink water passing their fields or allow us to go to Sabznala passing through their fields!
Representatives of the local people said, we have not invited the Kochis to come here because they have come by force.
The deputy chief of police said, Kochis have come this year and the local people will cooperate with them to pass from the area. He took a written guarantee from Pal Mohammad to pass form the area temporarily and shall wait for the decision of the court for further actions. ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
I told them, Sabznala area belong to the people of Shoghla, Kamrak and Kandly of Maistan district, so just taking the agreement of the Shishpar people to enter the area was not enough. ‬‬
Then one of the Taliban members told us the Shishpar people must not prevent Kochis to access water using their fields until their case is finalized by the court and it is our final decision! ‬‬‬
I feel the Taliban are coordinated with the Kochis. They together put the local people under pressure to surrender to them. They will gradually seize the agriculture lands of the local peopl‬e. Taliban apparently show sympathy with the local people, but they take no action to protect the lives and properties of the local people and they have not been impartial in terms of the conflicts of the local people with the Kochis and have supported the Kochis.
I would mention one case here. When we had a meeting with Kochis, our ‬‬‬phones did not work. The Taliban told one of his soldiers to go to the area which telephones work. When the soldier returned, he told people have fired on Kochis who have been already prevented in Aliato area.
The Taliban commander asked is there anybody from Aliato?
The answer was negative. He was angry and asked, is there anybody from Shighla? He ordered me to assess who has attacked on Kochis.‬‬
‬He said all the area must be searched. However, Kochis are armed and fire regularly on the people and no body take action against them.