Opinion Slide Show

AVoice in Exile

Khaliq Ebrahimi
The readers of Jade-Abresham(silk way) weekly are well in the picture that Media and Media Activists were the first groups that lost their jobs and were restricted by the Taliban since the Their takeover of the country. According to reports, 40 percent of media has been closed in Afghanistan. According to a report by Reporters Without Borders, over 6,400 journalists have lost their jobs during the last 9 months and many of them have left the country. During the same period, 80 percent of women journalists lost their jobs.

In addition to that, those media which are working face serious challenges including censure and restrictions imposed by the Taliban on them. Taliban not only searched the offices of the media but now they are searching their houses too. This issue shows there is no space for media activism in Afghanistan anymore. As a result, most media activists are exercising self-censorship and deleting their profiles from social media due to constant threats by the Taliban.
In such a throbbing situation, Jade Abresham Weekly stopped publishing as most of the other media. Now as there is a chance of publication, however with no stable future publications, we are determined to be your voice. Though access to information is very restricted in Afghanistan, we are not going to give up and will continue to provide information in an unbiased and responsible manner.