Human Rights Slide Show Women

Women Movement for Justice and Freedom: We don’t Accept Burqa to be Imposed as a Tribal Culture on Us

Jade-Abresham(Silk Way) Weekly: Members of Afghan Women Movement for Justice and freedom on Monday April 9, 2022 came to Kabul streets against the Taliban’s new edict that females must fully cover their faces and bodies when in public.
They called the new decree of the Taliban as unjust and violent; “Borqa is not part of the Islamic and culture of Muslims. However, we respect those who use it as a dress code. But imposing borrqa as the culture of a tribe on all Afghan women is not acceptable.
These women rights protestors call on all Afghan citizens, especially the intellectuals, human rights activists, civil society, cultural activists and all Afghan men, to not keep silent on Taliban restrictive measures on women and stand by Afghan women rights activists.
These women rights protesters consider the current dress code of Afghan women as “Sharia and Islamic” and call on the international community and human rights organizations to further put under pressure Taliban for their anti-women and gender apartheid measures.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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