Human Rights Slide Show Women

Young girl Commits Suicide After Release from Taliban Prison

Slik Way Weekly: Reliable sources told SWW in Bamyan that a young girl took her life by hanging herself after she was released from Taliban prison in Bamyan.

The sources said this incident happened yesterday, Sat Jul 28, in Takab Barg village of Panjab district, Bamyan.

Tahera, 19, was forcibly taken to a Taliban military vehicle 12 days ago and then she has benn harassed by the Taliban forces.

Sources have revealed that when residents of Takab Barg was informed of the incident then have gone to the Taliban district administration officials to release Tahera, but Taliban inform them Tahera has been moved to the center of Bamyan charged with not observing Taliban hejab rule.

Tahera was released by the mediation of the Tagab Barg residents, but she then took her life.
Based on written note by Tahera shared by media outlets, Tahera says, first Taliban soldiers tell them to get into their car to take her to the distention she was going there. But she rejects their offer. Then Taliban soldiers have shouted on her, saying she must get on their vehicle and fearing her life, she gets on the vehicle.

“When I wanted to phone my brother-in-law, Taliban took my mobile, and shifted me to another Ranger military vehicle and left the scene quickly.” Tahera stated.

Local Taliban officials have not commented on the issue yet.

Many women and girls have taken their lives after being released from Taliban prisons in Kabul, Balkh and other provinces.

A number of women and girls detained by Taliban had said they had been mentally, psychologically and even sexually harassed by Taliban in the prisons.

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