Human Rights Slide Show Women

Madness of femicide; A report of targeted assassinations of women by the Taliban in Balkh

By: Razia Roshani
Translated by: Mohammad sakhi Rezaie
After taking control of the situation in Balkh, the Taliban committed many crimes against the residents of this province. But in the meantime, in addition to the fact that women have always been the subject of repression and restrictions due to their gender, their protest against the restrictions imposed by the Taliban has also increased violence and discrimination against them, and they have been targeted for killing by the Taliban terrorist group.

In the following report, we discuss some prominent cases of Taliban violence against women and their killing in the past two years:
1.After a few months of taking over Balkh by the Taliban, the Taliban forces shot four female civil activists in Mazar-e-Sharif, the capital of this province.

1. One of the four shot women, Forozan Safi, was a professor at Balkh University and a women’s rights activist in Mazar-e-Sharif. Photo: Social Media.

Fatemah-fake name-, the head of one of the government departments of former government, teld the Silk Way Weekly that the Taliban called four women’s rights activists in Mazar-e-Sharif on behalf of the employees of human rights organizations and told them to go to the airport because their flight to America has been arranged. He adds: “Four women, who were friends, take their luggage and say goodbye to their family members; and then they move towards Mawlana Jalaluddin Balkhi Airport.” Fatemah says that the Taliban kidnapped these four women on the way to the airport, then took them to an unknown place, and after four days, their bodies were found in the outskirts of Mazar-e-Sharif. She adds: “Unfortunately, after four days, the body of one of them was found. His whole body was full of bullets. Then the bodies of all of them were found. They had shot everyone; They even had scratched their faces.” According to Fatemah, after this event, civil society and human rights organizations shared five numbers with women’s rights activists in Balkh and asked them to never answer calls from these numbers.

2. The bloody stairs of a female soldier’s house in Mazar-e-Sharif, who was shot by the Taliban. Photo: Social Networks

Khadija –fake name -, in connection with the killing of four women’s rights activists in Mazar-e-Sharif, told the Silk Way Weekly: “On October 27, 2021, the bodies of five female civil activists were found in the suburbs of Khalid bin Waleed settlement. Among them, one of them was Forozan Safi, a civil activist and professor at Balkh University, and the other was Maryam Hamraz, who was in charge of a cultural institution in the previous government. According to her, at that time only the news of Forozan Safi’s death was published through the media.

The findings of the Silk Way show that Maryam Hamraz was in charge of a cultural institution during the Republican period and had no role in the protest march against the Taliban in Mazar-e-Sharif. The findings show that Ms. Hamraz belonged to the Balkh Tajik ethnic group. On the other hand, it is still not clear for what reason they killed Forozan Safi and three other civil activists at the same time. At that time, the Taliban had denied the accusation of killing these four women; But knowledgeable sources told the Silk Way that they were killed by Taliban forces.

3. Fatema and Sharifa, the two young girls whom their bodies were found in Shadyan passage, Mazar-e-Sahrif. Photo: Social Media Networks.

On October 13, 2021, the BBC wrote, quoting Afghan civil activists: “Four women who were colleagues and friends were kidnapped a few days ago near Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi Airport, and four days later, on October 27, their bodies were found in a suburban pit in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif. The BBC quoted Amina Haqparsat, a civil activist in Mazar-e-Sharif who now lives in Germany, and wrote that one of these four women, Forozan Safi, was a professor at Balkh University and a women’s rights activist in Mazar-e-Sharif.
2. On 5 November 2021, the BBC wrote in a report that in a video tape circulating on social networks, it can be seen that Taliban forces entered the house of a female former member of the security forces in the previous regime, killed her along with another woman and two male relatives. In this video tape, it is said that the Taliban entered the house of this female former security member at night and killed a woman and two other men. It can also be seen in the video that the stairs of this woman’s house are covered in blood.

Fatema and Sharifa, the two young girls whom their bodies were found in Shadyan passage, Mazar-e-Sahrif. Photo: Social Media Networks.

At the same time, Eitlaatroz reported o 6 November 2021, quoting a civil activist in Balkh that the Taliban had killed these four women. But Abdullah Haqmal, the head of police district 5 of the Taliban confirmed that the police had detained two people in connection with this incident and said the incident6 occurred on 4 November 2021 and cited the domestic violence as the motive of the murder.

Bilal Karimi, Deputy spokesperson of the Taliban, at the time told media that “This incident occurred in PD5 of Mazar e Sharif and 40 bodies, two men and two women, were found in a house.”

On April 1, 2021, A midwife named Nafisa was killed with a knife and bullet in Alichoopan area. Photo: Social Networks.

It was said the incident had happened in Faqiabad, Mazar e Sharif. Saeid Khosti the previous spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior of the Taliban a twit message said on 6 November 2021, two people were detained in connection with the incident from Faqirabad area.

3. Local sourced told media on 6 March 2021 that the bodies of two young girls were found in Tangi Sahdyan of Balkh. It added that one of the was killed with a bullet and the other one was suffocated.

Zahra-fake name- told the Silk Way Weekly that the names of the two grils were Fatema and Sharifa and they lived in Karte Wahdat, an area where Shiites live there. “They went to the school in the morning and they never returned home.”

On November 28, 2022, Habiba Rahimi, 21, was shot, killed in the district 9, Mazar-e- Sharif. Photo: Social Networks.

The findings of the Silk Way Weekly show that the bodies of Fatema and Sharifa were found after a week by a gardener named Nader in Tangi Shadyan. The local residents call the relevant district and inform the Taliban about the discovery of the girls’ bodies; But the Taliban does not pay attention to it.

Other sources in Karte wahdat of Mazar-e-Sharif told the Silk Way that the Taliban arrested and then killed Fatema and Sharifa on the pretext of not observing the hijab required by this group. The findings of the Silk Way show that Fatema and Sharifa belonged to the Hazara ethnic group.

4. The Taliban forces killed a midwife and her colleague on 1 April 2021 in Balkh.
Sources in Balkh told the Silk WAy Weekly that this 23-year-old midwife was named Nafisa and her colleague was Mohammad Gholami. Nafsia worked in a clinic in Alichopan area of Mazar-e-Sharif, central Balkh, and Mohammad Gholami was also in charge of the same clinic’s pharmacy. On their way home, they were arrested by the Taliban at a checkpoint in Mazar-e-Sharif city, and after being tortured, they were killed by stabbing and shooting.

5. Local sources in Balkh told the Silk Way on the on 29 November 2022 that armed people shot and killed 21-year-old Habiba Rahimi in the Nowabad area of the 9th district of Mazar-e-Sharif. Abu Ali Sina e Balkhi Hospital in Mazar-e-Sharif also confirmed to the media that the body of this girl, who was shot in the head, was transferred to this hospital.

The findings of the Silk Way Weekly show that Habiba Rahimi was killed by the Taliban. She was the only girl in the house and had a mother who was not in good health after she was killed. Habiba’s relatives say that before the fall of Afghanistan, she worked in Rahnavard Hospital in Mazar-i-Sharif; But when the Taliban take control of Mazar-e-Sharif, Habiba is fired by the members of this group. Before that, Rahnavard hospital and its employees were threatened by the Taliban.

When Habiba stops working at the hospital, she starts working in a hair salon in Mazar-e-Sharif to support her family. On the morning of the 28 November 2022, she was shot by armed men while she was on her way to the beauty salon with her two friends, in Yekatoot Zerat area of Mazar Sharif city. Her relatives say that among the three girls, the motorcycle riding men targeted and killed only Habiba.

6. Residents of Karte Ali Baba Shir, a Hazara residential area, told the Silk Way Weekly that The body of a naked woman with a severed upper leg was found in this area. The local source in this are on on 4 July 2023, at 04:00 P.M. said the body of this woman was found on 3 July in this area of the city.
Ali and Aaliyah – pseudonyms – said that the body of this woman was thrown inside a jar and her identity could not be identified because her head and legs were cut off. They added that the local residents informed the local Taliban officials in Mazar-e-Sharif about this murder and they went to the area to investigate this murder on 4 July. The findings of the Silk Road also show that this woman belonged to the Hazara ethnic group.

Laili Naqib, a doctor in Mazar-e-Sharif, was arrested and tortured by the Taliban. Photo: Submitted to the Silk Way

7. A reliable local source in Balkh told the Silk Way Weekly on 4 July 2023 that 3 members of the Taliban fighte4rs had beaten severly a woman in the center of Mazar e Sharif. Sources have added that this doctor’s name is Laili Naqeeb and she was kidnapped by Taliban forces from her private clinic in the area of Gozargah e Siahgerd – Qubelah Parwin Alley – in Mazar-e-Sharif and was missing for a week.

Sources say that the Taliban forced Laili Naqeeb to share the money for performing abortions with this group; But Mrs. Naqeeb said that she does not perform such an operation in her clinic. The Taliban take Laili with them and keep her in the detention center of this group for a week.

The sources add that the Taliban severely beat this doctor and handed her over to her family after a week. The picture of Laili Naqeeb provided to the Silk Way Weekly shows that her health condition is not good.

Sources say that Mrs. Naqeeb was hospitalized for two days and then she was transferred to her home. The officials of Balkh Public Health Department have not said anything about this until now. It is said that Mrs. Naqeeb was Uzbek.