Hazara's Genocide Human Rights Slide Show

Survivors of Sivak Tragedy: Taliban tore the bodies of the victims into pieces with knives

Interviewed by: Esmat Altaf
Translated by: M.Rezaie

Introduction: Taliban, in more than a year and half, has massacred, detained, and imprisoned and tortured many residents of Daykondi, but they have not been reflected in the media. Mass killing in Darah e Khodi in which 9 former security members and four civilians were killed and Sivak mass killing in which 9 people were killed by the Taliban have nearly been forgotten. And there is no efforts to reveal why such killings have happened and how desperate are their families. Six survivors of Siok mass killing are being tortured even now in the Taliban horrific prisons; but no organization have taken measures to release them. At the beginning, UNAMA sent a delegation to Daykondi and promised to investigate their case but they have done nothing so far.

The silence of the institutions and media that speak of the values of human rights and defending them has made the situation difficult for the citizens of Afghanistan and the possibility of retaking the fundamental rights of the people has become impossible.

Reversing and distorting the criminal events carried out by the Taliban, by the mercenary media affiliated with this group, is a double crime against the Afghan citizens. The formation of Taliban-affiliated media institutions, the growth of mercenary figures in social networks to defend the Taliban and the consolidation of this group’s foundations in public opinion, and the support of the seemingly independent media from the Taliban’s actions with propaganda tactics, have slowly found their place in the current information structure of Afghanistan. Shamshad TV is one of the media, which it has been founded based on ethnic fascism and but in the past year and a half, it has always supported the Taliban and the criminal acts of this group. Shamshad TV has taken any measures to strengthen the foundations of ethnic fascism of the Taliban.

Shamshad TV, a few days after the event of Siok of Shibar, prepared a report of this event, which was prepared completely in defense of the Taliban. In this report, several arms of weapons have been displayed in the house of one of the people who was killed and a vague and short conversation has been conducted with their survivors. But the main conversation was conducted with those who were directly involved in this incident and reported to the Taliban that it seems that in this house some armed people who oppose the Taliban group are conspiring and planning an attack on the center of Daykondi.

According to the information of the survivors of the dead, the Taliban and those who had started the heinous massacre in Sivak of Shibar, one day before the Shamshad TV reporters were present at the place of the event in Sivak, they staged the event as they wanted and had placed several weapons in The house of one of the dead to be filmed by the Shamshad TV report team. They also had dictated the local residents what they shall say to the reporters. In the past two decades, Shamshad TV reporters have only come one time to Daikondy. In the last two decades, reporting on the survivors of the Siok event is the only case that has brought Shamshad TV reporters to Daikondy. It is clear that Shamshad TV wanted to make the dead people appear to be the main perpetrators of this crime by normalizing the event and give legitimacy to the Taliban.

On 24 November 2002, the Taliban raided the village of “Sivak Shibar” in the suburbs of Daikundi center at night and massacred the members of two families/Photo by: Local sources

Undoubtedly, as much as the crime of the Taliban against the citizens of Afghanistan is ugly and disgusting, the attempt to whitewash the black face of this group by the media and mercenaries is also ugly and disgusting; As much as the forced displacement of people by the Taliban is an obvious crime, the distortion of the truth by the media is also considered a crime, which is carried out with the help of the condition created by Taliban.
We have discussed the event with one of the survivors of the tragic incident of Sivak in order to unveil the reality behind the incident.

Question: I would like to thank you for interviewing with the Silk Way Weekly on the tragic event of Sivak. First, I would like to know if you were a witness of the Sivak tragic event.

Answer: Yes, I witnessed the scene.

Question: Would you tell us why Sivak incident happened and what were the main causes?

Answer: The main issue was a legal dispute among Hashim Khan’s sons and Mohmmad dad Jafary’s sons with Haji Gharib Hussain Big’s sons, the residents of Sivak of Daykondi. This legal dispute had existed for many years. It was on land ownership. They had clashed in the past and even they had lost their family members in these clashes. During the republic, they had approached the government, and their dispute was going on. Twice, the primary court and attorney had decided in favor of Hashim Khan’s sons. The final court was supposed to make its decision and deal with this case, but the government collapsed and everything went to waste.

After the Taliban’s take over, after about one month, one of Haji Gharib Hussian Khan’s sons, who was a police officer, was killed on the way to his duty station, and then the victim’s brothers accused Hashim Khan’s sons and Jafary’s sons of killing him. They appealed to the Islamic Emirate, and they summoned to the provincial capital.

But Hashim Khhan’s sons and Mohammad dad Jafaary’s sons did not accept to go the province and to defend themselves. They explained as there was a dispute between them with Jafary’s sons they could not go to the provincial center with them because they worked with Taliban and they can’t trust Jafary’s sons. And This is how it can trap us.

Local community leaders intermediated between them for several times, including Mohammad Ali Uruzgani, the former provincial governor deputy of Daykondi, and other local influential figures in order to find a viable solution. They hoped the perpetrators to participate in the meetings but the failed. The main cause was that nobody could assure them of their safety.

During this period, Jafary’s sons had reported to the Taliban intelligence and other people had fueled the conflict as well. They had reported to Taliban that these people are rogue, they are irresponsible armed people and they are against the IEA and they are linked with the NRF and poses weapons. But all such allegations were false. These words caused the Taliban to act with more than 100 armed and equipped forces. They entered the area on the date… after the morning call to prayer. Maulvi Faizani, deputy intelligence officer of Daykondi province, and the rest of the Taliban forces entered the area. the first house they went behind the gate was the house of HashIm Khan’s sons. They entered into a conversation with them. Before entering the house themselves, Taliban had asked two of their neighbors of the accused to ask them to surrender themselves and hand over their weapons to Emirate. They certainly carried a weapon and they already had mentioned the reason to the elders. At the same time, Ehsan, the eldest son of Hashim Khan, who was also a party to the dispute between the sons of Haji Gharib Hussain Bai, at the same time, told his uncle, named Aminullah Mali; One of the influential figures of Sivak and Shiber region and a respectable elder in the region and told him the situation and asked him to come to the scene and try to resolve the issue peacefully. He had accepted and came with the motorcycle of his brother’s son to Sivak area, in front of Hashem Khan’s house. When Aminullah Mali came to the region, the Taliban told him to tell his nieces to surrender and hand over their weapons and we have no business with them. They told Mr. Mali the same reports that they had received that these are rebels and irresponsible armed people and are related to the resistance movement. Finally, he went to his nieces’ house and convinced two of them (Ehsan and Rahman) to surrender. He handed them over to the Taliban. The Taliban transferred them to the province; But one of them (Ibrahim) had hidden himself in the straw house; However, Mali did not know about this matter either.

After this, the Taliban sent Mr. Aminullah Mali and Mohammad Haider, the (eighty-seven years old), uncle of the accused, to the house of Mohammad dad Jafary’s sons (Mohammad Alam Jafary, Sher Mohammad Jafary, Amir Jafary) to convince them to surrender themselves to the government of the Emirate and give their weapon to the to the government. They went twice, but Jafary’s sons did not show up for the aforementioned reasons. They said that we do not have a problem with the government of the Emirate; But of course we have a problem with the other side. In such a situation, we are afraid of our safety. The Taliban’s forces were increasing every moment and they had secured the four sides with light and heavy weapons. They made the siege ring tighter and finally, they barraged the Jafary’s sons in an oppressive manner. The Taliban were not satisfied with killing them either. Their bodies were cut into pieces with a knife and their three children were brutally shot the and killed.
After killing them, the Taliban ransacked their houses. During an attempt, they found the other son of Hashim Khan from straw house. He was also brutally murdered. After finding him, the Taliban also told Aminullah Mali that why did you hide this niece of yours and why didn’t you hand him over to us? Somehow you are involved with these and you are a traitor. He said that I did not know. I was told by his other brothers that he is not at home and had run away.

But the Taliban did not accept his words. First his hands were cut off and then his legs when he was alive. He shouted so much and yelled so much that the valley rang out; But there was no one to reach him. After this, he was killed with a knife when he was dying. Then, they hit him in the head and chest with a gun.
Although he had just appeared on the scene as a mediator. Later, when we bathed him, his head was torn. His documents and evidence are available with his family. From his head, only some skin had remained. The Taliban did not allow burial until five and six in the evening; But finally, they allowed us to bury them.

Question: Did the victims resist Taliban when they broke into their house until they went out of ammunitions?

Answer: No, they even did not fire a bullet. It also It shows that they were not outlaws. An outlaw against a government, first of all does not sit at his home and sleep without being aware of the situation in the area and if an outlaw is attacked he will defend himself. The victims of Sivak did not do these because they were not outlaws.

Question: How many people totally were killed in this Taliban ambush?

Answer: 8 persons were killed. Three sons of Mohammad Jafary, 3 small children, one son of Hashim Khan and Aminullah Mali, uncle of Hashim Khan’s sons.

Question: How many people were arrested? What happened to them?

Answer: Taliban detained two sons of Hashim Khan and one guest of them and two sons of Mohammad Haidar named Bashir ,47 years old, who is a farmer and a person with disability and Mahmoud , 22 years old , who is a school student. They crime is being the relative of the accused.

Question: In the petition made by the sons of Haji Gharib Hossain, because of the murder of their brother, were the names of the sons of Mohammad Haider included?

Answer: No, the petition was only against the sons of Hashim Khan and Mohammad dad Jafary. These were not named. They are now in Taliban custody with complete innocence.

Question: With such sad incident, was any progress in their lawsuit?

Answer: No, there is no body from Haji Gharib Gussain’s sons; they either have been killed or arrested by Taliban.

Thank you for talking about this tragic incident.

You are welcome. Thank you for your time.
Note: We did not mention the name and identity of the interviewee due to security concerns.

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