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War crimes in Panjshir; Taliban shot and killed 70


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: Local sources in Panjshir said that the Taliban had shot and killed 70 people in the province, including civilians.

Local sources 57 of these people were members of NRF.

The Taliban fighter did not allow Panjshir residents to identify the dead bodies for 3 days and NRF with the cooperation of the Red Cross buried the bodies of some of the victims in the mountains.

Enaiatulla Khawarazmi, the spokesperson of the Taliban Ministry of Defense, said the ministry will investigate the shot and killing videos showing the killing of Panjshir NRF prisoners.

At the same time, Sibghatullah Ahmadi the spokesperson of NRF in a series of twits on Saturday, 17 August, said that following the worldwide criticisms of Taliban mistreatment of prisoners, NRF has asked the fact-finding delegations to investigate the areas the Taliban have committed war crimes.

The spokesperson of NRF urged the UN on 17 September to send its fact-finding delegations to Panjshir, Baghlan, and Takhar provinces.

Ahmadi, called on the human rights organizations to adhere to their ethical standards in terms of the Taliban crimes; but he emphasized these organizations only have issued statements condemning and twitting the Taliban crimes and they have taken no practical steps to stop such crimes.

Many local and foreign politicians expressed their concerns on the shot and killing of 70 NRF members and civilians in Panjshir.

A number of women activists in demonstrated in Kapisa on August 17, chanting “stand with Panjshir”, “Stop genocide in Panjshir”, and “Stop Oppressing Panjshir” and called on the Taliban to end genocide in Panjshir.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commisson urged the UN to stop Taliban war crimes in Panjshir.

UNAMA had voiced concerns on Panjshir human rights violations some days ago and had said it was seriously worried about human rights violations in Panjshir.

UNAMA has termed the recent incidents an act of war crime and said their perpetrators shall be brought to justice.

The Taliban forces shot and killed 10 NRF prisoners in a desert court in Panjshir days ago.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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