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The Unending Crimes; Taliban Destroyed Bamyan Historical Plaques and Burnt a Library in Panjshir


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): In addition to illegal detentions, Torture, shot killings, and killing of civilians Taliban destroy cultural centers and monuments of other ethnic groups, especially of Hazaras. Taliban have destroyed the texts of the plaques of Bamyan historical sites and destroyed a library in Panjshir.

Legal experts believe that destroying historical and cultural monuments of a specific ethnic group is considered as one of the elements of genocide that the Taliban have recently started in Afghanistan.

Bamyan: Local sources in Bamyan said that the Taliban destroyed introduction letter of 7 meter Buddha in Dareh Kakrak (One of the important Buddhist centers in the past) on 6 September in Bamyan.

7 meter Buddha and 100 caves were destroyed by the Taliban in March 2001. This act of the Taliban was named as the cultural crime of the century committed by the Taliban.

Local sources also reported that Taliban have destroyed the plaques of the areas of Buddha of Salsal and Shahmama.

Taliban started reconstruction of old Bamyan market located 100 meters away of Salsal and was harshly criticized by UNESCO.

Khost: Local sources in Khost said that Taliban detained a civil and cultural activist named Marjan Hesand on 8 September.

Local sources added that Hesam was a media activist during the former government but after the collapse of the republic he was self-employed.

Kapisa: Taliban detained Abdul Hanan Mohammadi the reporter of Pazhwok News Agency from Kapisa and he has been under torture since then.

8 Subh Daily has quoted from its local sources that the Taliban intelligence tortured Mohammdi on a daily basis.

Takhar: Local sources said that the Taliban shot and killed a woman named Qandigul on 9 September in Dashte Qala district of Takhar.

Local sources added the Taliban fighters had shot 30 bullets on Qandigul dead body. She has been 40 with 4 children.

Panjshir: Local sources in Panjshir said that on 10 September Taliban forced 50 households to leave Kohsar Kojan and Korpito villages.

Taliban have said they cooperated with the NRF.

Takhar: Local sources in Takhar said that Taliban detained on 9 September a local public uprising commander named Ahmad Khan along with 5 others in Kalafgan district of Takhar.

It said that Taliban have detained Ahmad Khan accused of cooperating with the NRF.

Ghazni: Taliban detained a local radio manager on 27 August and have severely beaten him up. Omid Azimi has been transferred to his home and his condition is not good.

Badakhshan: Local sources in Badakhshan said that on 5 September the Taliban have beaten up a mosque preacher named Sayed Shah. This cleric had criticized Taliban drivers for running Rangers at too high a speed.

Ghor: Taliban fighters have whipped one girl, 3 children, and 2 men in a field court in Ghor.
Abdul Wahid Hams the Taliban provincial governor spokesperson had twitted saying that “one girl and boy had been whipped and sentenced due to moral corruption.” Hams added, “3 underage boys had been whipped and s accused of buggery by the urban court.”

The Taliban urban court in Ghor said that “a thief who repeatedly commited corruption and theft had been whipped 39 times.”

Panjshir: Local sources in Panjshir said that Taliban destroyed a library in Dareh district.

According to the Etilaatruz Daily this library had 10,000 books, 20 computers, 10 printers, one set TV, an equipped laboratory, and one set mobile phone. Taliban robbed the equipment after destroying the library.

Parwan: Local sources in Parwan said that on 10 September the Taliban intelligence detained 9 Panjshiri students of Parwan University.

Local sources said that the Taliban had detained these students for cooperating with the NRF. They had been released after investigations, threats, and warnings.

Samangan: The Taliban fighters cut off the ear of traffic police in Aybak the capital city of Samangan.

Local sources in Samangan said that the mentioned traffic has stopped vehicles to avoid traffic jams and he had stopped the Taliban vehicle too but the Taliban cut off his ear.

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