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Taliban Continue Killing the People


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): Though there are tens of reports of Taliban killing the people, many other cases remain unreported.

Elaha’s case sexually abused by Saied Khosti was one of the most shocking news occupying the leads of many media.

In another case, one of the Taliban authorities wanted to sexually abuse the wife of the host who was killed by the host.

Taliban under Islamic sharia commit GVB, moral corruption, force local people to leave their homes, torture and kill the civilians.

Ghazni: Local sources in Ghazani told media that on 30 August, Taliban whipped two men in public space accused of theft.

Before this, Taliban had punished 5 men based on a public filed court in Jawzjan.

Kapisa: Local sources in Kapisa said that Taliban whipped two men on 1Septmember in Kapisa accused of moral corruption and distribution of narcotics.

Field court is one of the common methods applied by Taliban and they have tortured and shot killed hundreds of the people so far.

Jawzjan: There have been firess in Jawzjan province for several months. Taliban call it God’s punishment and said that Jins have a role in the fires. However, 8Subh Daily in article pointed out that there was no natural disaster in Jawzjan and Armed masked men were behind the fires.

According to 8Subh “a 3-member delegation has been assigned on 1 August tasked to assess the incident. The delegation has completed its assessment report and has submitted it to the Taliban leadership.”

More than 50 people have been burnt and 1,000 families have been displaced.

Faryab: Reliable local sources in Faryab informed media on 5 September that Mawlawi Sharif Chied of PD2 of Faryab has sexually abused the wife of a former public uprising member in the former government. According to the local sources Malawi Sharif had order Anisa to come to his office for invistigations and she has been sexually abused by Mawlawi Sharif.

Panjshir: Local sources in Panjshir said that Taliban have forcibly moved 3 households on 3 September from Karaman area of Dare district of Panjshir.

Local sources added that these 3 families had no relations with the NRF.

Herat: Local sources in Herat told media that Taliban did not allow reporters to take photos from the casualties of the suicide bombing of Gazargah attack.

They also added Taliban have detained and tortured several reporters for taking photos from the suicide attack scene.

In Herat suicide attack 46 people were killed and 86 were injured. Mawlawi Mujbul Rahman Ansari preacher of Gazargah mosque and a pro fundamentalism religious scholar and a pro-Taliban cleric was killed in the attack.

Ansari in Taliban grand gathering in Kabul had said any one who opposes Taliban must be beheaded and had urged other clerics to issue a religious fatwa on this issue.

Takhar: Local sources in Takhar said that on 30 August Taliban warned the residents of Yangi Qala that if they do not pray in Jamat, they would have beaten up them.

Panjshir: Taliban detained 7 civilians on 31 August from Badqul area of Panjshir provincial capital. Local sources added that these people had no connections with NRF. Taliban had shot killed a civilian in Khij of Panjshir and had thrown his dead body in Panjshir river some days ago.

Kunar: Local sources in Kunar said that on 31 August a local Taliban commander named Jalal intended to sexually abuse wife of the man who had hosted Jalal and then was killed by the host.

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مدیر وبسایت

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