Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

The white Dream of an Ambassador


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): Amnesty International released a report on Human rights situation in Afghanistan on 29 August 2019, saying “human rights activists are under serious security threats in Afghanistan.”
Following the report, Taliban shot killed Samad Amiri the take care of Ghor Directorate of Independent Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan in the same year. First, Taliban took hostage Amiri while he was going to Bamyan from Kabul and then two days later killed him and put his dead body on the road.

Samad Amiri was graduated from Law and Political Science faculty and had worked at Independent Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan for 7 years. He had served as the acting Directorate of Ghor Independent Human Rights Commission for one year.

Amiri was killed when Qatar Peace Talks had reached to its final stages, but Taliban had increased their attacks in Afghanistan.

On those days Taliban attacked on Jalriz and Sarcheshma areas of Maidan Wardak province and many people left their homes fearing Taliban. Based on the agreement of the local people, Taliban had pledged they would not harass Hazara passengers of Darah Midan; an agreement which was soon violated by Taliban and killed Samad Amiri.

Samad Amiri was killed while Khalizad was Insisting on signing the Doha Agreement with the Taliban which withdrawal of the international security forces from Afghanistan and announcing a ceasefire between the two sides were as the main conditions of the agreement.

Samad Amiri travelled from Kabul to Bamyan after the agreement between the local people. He was an active member of the civil society and human rights activists in Afghanistan. He was an active member of Roya organization which advocated for girls deprived of school.

After Amiri was killed, it added to doubts of the people that Taliban will not observe the ceasefire. Because such incidents showed that Taliban pursued a terrorist agenda and had not changed. Hence, such incidents destroyed any hope about any positive changes in the Taliban policies. As a result, after Taliban seized power in the country, they started detaining, torturing and killing those who thought as Samad Amiri and are concerned about the human rights in Afghanistan.

Amnesty International releasing a statement termed Samad Amiri’s murder as an act of war crime by Taliban. The statement praised Samad Amiri’s human rights activities and said: He supported those who had no one. As Samad Amiri was an active member of Roya organization, he had many great dreams for Afghan helpless girls. He was the ambassador of the human rights in Afghanistan, but unfortunately did not have a chance to realize his humanitarian dreams. His dreams remained white and became the white dreams of an ambassador!

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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