Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Genocide in Afghanistan; A Crime Not Recognized


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): UK Parliament has published a report on 4 September,2022, on Hazaras’ Situation in Afghanistan saying the threats to genocide Hazaras by ISIS and Taliban have increased during the recent months in Afghanistan.

According to the report deliberate attacks on Hazaras has increased in mid-2022 and hundreds of Hazaras have been killed and injured in these attacks.

The UK Parliament has urged the UN members to take serious steps to protect and prevent Hazaras’ genocide in Afghanistan.

The report which covers 2021 has been shared with the US, Canada, UN Agencies, and International Criminal Court.

Also, the International Criminal Court prosecutor asked ICC to issue an order to start looking into possible war crimes in Afghanistan.

The request is mentioned while Taliban as the perpetrator of such crimes is the ruling group in the country. Some high ranking Taliban officials have been involved in Massacring Hazaras in Mazar e Sharif, Yakawalang of Bamyan, Mirza Walang of Sare Pul and they have been in many other attacks on Hazaras too.

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