Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Kochis (Nomads) as a toll of Taliban for blackmailing, forced move and grasping the land of Hazaras


Jade-Abresham Weekly: Armed Kochis have destroyed the grasslands and fields of Hazaras in central highlands. Kochis and Hazras had several armed clashes killing and injuring some people and inflicting financial losses on them.

Kochis not only destroy the fields of the local people and open lawsuits on owning the lands of Hazaras which the Taliban usually judges biasedly and forcibly move the main landlords.

Blood money is another ransom Kochis take from Hazara supported by Taliban. In a recent case, Kochis want the residents of Sangtakht wa Bandar to pay the blood money of a Kochi who has been killed in 1990 in an armed clash with the residents of Chaharqul village. Taliban has approved the residents of Chaharqul village to pay 2000,000 afs and one AK-47.

According to the local sources, district governor of Sangtakht wa Bandar has approved it and ordered the residents of the district to fulfill urgently.

Local residents of Chaharqul Miri village are not satisfied with the approval saying the district governor has not investigated the case fairly and they call it an oppressive approval.

The residents of the village they have not been involved in killing the Kochi shepherd.

In another case, Taliban approved the residents of Nahoor district to pay 10,000,000 afs as the blood money of a Kochi women who was killed 18 years ago.

According to the local people, the Kochi woman was killed 18 years ago in a clash between armed Kochis and former government forces.

Taliban have given a 20-day deadline to the people to pay the blood money in other case they will be punished.

Taliban approved the local residents in Sangtakht wa Bands to pay 1,000,000 afs as blood money of a Kochi man. In the same case a Hazaraman has been killed by Kochi too, but Taliban did not force Kochis to pay the blood money of Hazara man. Meanwhile, the local people reported to media in Pato district of Ghazni on August 22 the Taliban tithe and zakat officers of agriculture department and armed Taliban have told residents of Fakhor district to give the Taliban 30 raine (Khrwar) wheat and almond.

Local sources said the hat Taliban decided this decision to punish the residents of the village for fighting against them last year.

Taliban forces have warned the people to give them the mentioned amount urgently.

According to the local people the local leaders of Qakhor district have complained to the office of Ghazni governor, but Haji Khali the PGO chief of staff had not to pay attention to their complaint and threatened them to give the Taliban what have been approved by the district governor.

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