Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

UNAMA has cited that in explosions of Friday and Saturday in Kabul 120 people have been killed and injured


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): There was a huge explosion on 6 August in West of Kabul.

Taliban chief of police for Kabul said two people have been killed and 22 have been injured in the explosion. However, local sources said that three people have been killed and 41 have been injured according to the hospital’s lists.

The Taliban did not allow the journalists and eyewitnesses to provide further details on the explosion. Taliban have beaten up an individual who attempted to film the scene.

Pule Sukhta area is one of the crowded areas of Kabul mainly populated by Hazaras and hundreds of people work there as shopkeepers, drivers, hotel managers, and hand sellers.

On the Mohaaram days, Hazaras sell mourning flags in Pule Sukhta where the explosion went off among the ordinary people.

On Friday there was another explosion in West of Kabul killing and wounding tens of people.

Taliban spokespersons said 8 people were killed and 18 were injured in the explosion. But the local sources said that more than 40 people were killed and injured in the explosion.

One of the Taliban officials who did not want to be mentioned his name said that 50 people have been killed and injured including women and children in the explosion.

Arif Rahmani the former MP of Ghazni wrote on his Facebook account quoting the local resources that 40 people have been killed and injured in the explosion.

One of the eyewitnesses said that he has seen 15 bodies only in Aliabad hospital. Local sources in Aliabad hospital said the dead bodies of 10 people were in Aliabad hospital.

The ISK terrorist attack received wide condemnation at the local and international levels. Richard Bennet the special UN Human rights rapporteur for Afghanistan in a twit, wrote the ISK attack on Hazaras in Kabul was a horrific crime.

Bennet asked UNAMA deputy to investigate the attack in a transparent and according to international standards.

The UN Special Rapporteur also said the Taliban were in charge of the security of the people and they shall bring to justice the perpetrators.

Thomas Nicholson, EU Special Representative for Afghanistan said that the perpetrators of the attack in Kabul shall be detained and brought to justice.

UNAMA also said the Taliban shall prevent such attacks and initiate transparent and overall investigations of the terrorist attack.
Women Rights Protesters; Afghanistan is not your inheritance to carpet it for Al-Qaeda and ISK.

In an updated statement, UNAMA has cited that in explosions of Friday and Saturday in Kabul 120 people have been killed and injured.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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