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Taliban not Allowed Female Students in Balkh to travel to Provinces


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: Taliban religious police in Balkh has ordered girls students not to travel without escort.

Taliban have sent a notice to the girl students saying they shall be accompanied by a male relative while traveling to the provinces otherwise they are not allowed to travel alone.

Those girls who travel to their provinces during the holidays will be checked at checkpoints and if they travel without a male relative they will not be allowed to do so.

Taliban religious police have stopped some girls who have been traveling alone to their provinces and have tortured them.

The local sources say that some of these students have been in detention centers and then have been released based on the guarantees given by their lecturers.
“Taliban had stopped some girls on the way to their provinces and had treated them harshly and returned to their hostels.”, One of the girl students told Jade Abresham weekly.
According to her, the Taliban have said those who do not have a Mahram can’t go home on Eid Holiday.