Human Rights Slide Show Women

Women Members of Kabul Critical School; Don’t Deny Girls Right to Education


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: On 3 July, the Kabul Critical School held a press conference in Kabul on reaming closed girls’ schools.
Women members of KCS in a statement say that Education is the right of women and the politicians must not use it as a politics game.
“Don’t deny the women right to education, and don’t use women as an excuse for political gains.” The statement said.
“Education is not a business in order to use it as an opportunity to benefit financially. We will firmly stand against such approaches and will not allow men to use women for their crimes and slavery for their ill desires.” The statement added.
These women accused the world of keeping silent on Afghan women, “The bitter silence of the world on Afghan women show that all the human values can be bargained in a political exchange.” They said.
Taliban held a-3-day clerics meeting in the Loya Jirga hall without representation of women and they did not focus on right to education of women and just two clerics from Bamyan and Balkh raised the issue. Zabihaullah Mujahid in response to criticism on keeping silent about the right to education of girls by the clerics said the Taliban leader will make the final decision on girls’ education. However, Mullah Habbatullah said he will not take orders from the foreigners even if the country is attacked by atomic bombs.

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