Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Balkkhab Displaced people need humanitarian aid


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: On 25 June 2022, residents of Qalagak, Takhshar, Chenarak, Hoosh and Lorkord villages of Balkhab district fled to mountains fearing Taliban ambush.
Local sources in Balkhab told media that the residents of the mentioned villages left their homes and properties and fled to the mountains fearing Taliban retaliation.
Local sources also add Taliban beheaed a-65-year old man near Bazare Kohnah who could not have fled to mountains. Taliban had already shot killed 5 workers and 2 shepherds in charges with cooperation with Mawlawi Mahdi in Balkhab. Afghanistan Shiite Religious Scholars and Hazara World Council also warned of deterioration of situation in Balkhab and killing the civilians by the Taliban in Balkhab district. These tow councils urged Taliban not to harm the civillians of Balkhab district.
The local sources mention the situation in Balkhab as volatile and say if they don’t receive humanitarian aid immediately, children, women and elderly may lose their lives .

About the author

Mohammad Ahmadi

Mohammad Ahmadi

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