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Taliban detained 60 civilians and 2 former security forces commanders in Kabul


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way)Weekly: In a round of arrests, Taliban detained 60 civilians and 2 former security forces commanders in Kabul.
Local sources say Taliban detained Brigadier Ahmadzai and his son, 24, in Kabul.
Taliban have resumed house to house search in Khairkhana of Kabul recently. They have already detained 60 civilians in charges with cooperating with NRF., an independent outlet, wrote Taliban have detained General Shoeur Gul, Former Deputy of the Ministry of Defense and Commander of 203 Tandar Corps in Kbaul.
Shoeurgul is the second high ranking military officer who have been deceived by Taliban and has returned to Kabul due to initiatives of the Commission for Return and Communications with Former Officials and political Figures and then has been arrested by Taliban.
Abdul Rahman Salangi, the former public uprising commander from Salang district, had returned to Afghanistan from Iran due to the Commission for Return and Communications with Former Officials and political Figures, but he was later detained in Kbaul. Abdullah, Abdullha had guaranteed him to return to Afghanistan.

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