Human Rights Slide Show Women

Afghan Women Rights Activist Fights Under Taliban Rule


By Adela Azin Nazari
Translator: M-Rezaie
16 june 2022
Education and Work
The women name in abbreviations (Kh.F.J) is one of Afghan women rights activists who lives in her city (Kabul) , hiding in secret, though she plays a major role in women rights avocation. She was born in a democrat family of an army officer, and grown in one of the cities of Pakistan and studied there. She was graduated in 2007 from Natural Sciences Department of Educational University of Kabul. She has worked for 15 years in the Ministry of Education, and was the presenter of an English program in Radio Sulh and also taught a group of girls and women who had been deprived of education.
How she was informed of Kbul fell
About the shocking news of Kabul fell she said, “I was working in the ministry and after hearing the news all the employees were frightened and confused. I asked them, what’s up? They told me hurry up, Taliban have captured Kabul! I was such shocked that could not speak. Everyone tried to reach home. It was 15 August 2021, the start again of the misery of Afghan women.”
What Taliban Brought Her as a Gift
She immediately lost her job in the ministry she worked and was forced to stay at home. Her friends scattered and various restrictions was imposed on her and other women. She is familiar with the Taliban government from the first time they ruled Kabul. When Taliban captured Kabul in 90s she left the country but for the second time she was deeply grieved. “I noticed girls and women will be the first victims of the new regime and it happened!” she says.

Time to Join Women Rights Protest Movement
Women Rights Protest Movement was spontaneous and she soon get in touch with some of them and also some of the women contacted her. She finally joined the movement and is an active member of the movement yet.
Reaction of Her family to her protesting Activities
His family lives in Afghanistan and are concerned about her safety and security. As a result, they prevent her of joining the protests and giving interviews, but her relatives who are in abroad encourage and support her.
Current Situation
“It is several months that I live in secret. One of the UN agencies knows this and they have not taken any practical measures to save me.” She continues her struggles beside other women and she knows well how dangerous it is if she is caught by Taliban.” She adds, “They may put me in trouble any moment. But I have nothing to lose! I have lost my job and bread. My name is in the list of Taliban and I expect something bad any moment.”
Hoe she assesses Afghan Women
Today Afghan women are informed and brave women. Afghan girls are educated and want their rights. Half of the Afghan society, 20 million people, want to think about their future and decide about it. Afghan women came to streets to protect their gender rights. Afghan women rights movement is at its first stage, and bravery and awareness is the main characteristics of this movement.
How She Assesses Taliban Behavior Against Women
She as a women rights activist believes women are considered as convicted, slave, booty and sinful people. The do not have right to education and work and they shall be forcibly married. The situation of women is not a dignified one and they shall gradually die. And there is no breakthrough in their fate visible in the near future.

Why Men are not Beside Women Rights Protests
According to her, men are afraid of Taliban. If Taliban notice men are advocating for women, they will arrest men and kill them.
How long She Would Advocate
“Until there is despotism and violence against women, we would advocate and resist against such unjust measures. But according to the situation, the type our protest may change”

Afghan women stood against Taliban policies in Kabul, Mazar e Sharif and some other major cities; but Taliban tried to silence them through delegitimizing women civil protests and banning women coming out of home. However, women protests continue in corners of Kabul and they continue to preserve it.

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