News Slide Show

Why Do Taliban Fear the Media?


Musa Atbin
Taliban have recently ordered female presenters to cover their faces while presenting a program, a move that further restricts women and media in the country. Though it received wide local and international criticism, such measures have not made the Taliban accountable in terms of their anti-women and anti-media measures.
During the last week, a reporter for Subh Kabul daily was kidnapped and 6 others were detained and threatened by the Taliban. According to the local sources, Mirza Hassanni the editor in chief of Radi Aftab abd Chairman of the Civil Society Network of Daikondi was detained in Herat by the Taliban. After the Kabul fell 50% of the media closed and 60% of the Afghan journalists lost their jobs. Further, 84% of Afghan women journalists have lost their jobs after the collapse of the Republic government.

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