Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

The Pines grown out of Ashes and Blood


Writer: Aref Wafaye

Translated by: Mohammad Sakhi Rezaie

The last two decades of Afghanistan is history of hard efforts of the citizens of the country for development and progress. Between the visible and invisible struggles of the public power and the citizens, it was an accepted principle that making efforts for cultural development is the path to ensuring development in other areas as well.

During this process, Hazara people contributed more because they valued knowledge than others in the Afghan society. They built schools, educational centers and universities to the extend they could and made efforts to eliminate barriers girls and boys faced to access education. Hazara people, knowledge, and civil movements were changing to a unified identity but the enemies of knowledge and equality decided to this process with suicide attacks, terror, and beheading Hazara people. After the formation of the National Unity Government, killing Hazaras, and fighting against books and pens was accelerated in a structured way and thousands of Hazara students and academic personalities have been killed. The recent case of deliberate attacks on Hazara education centers is the suicide attack on Kaaj Educational Center in west of Kabul killing and injuring more than 200 students. The timing of the suicide attack shows it has been very well planned, it targeted an educational center with large classes with hundred students just 10 days to the national entrance exam. Though it took the lives of many talented students, those students from Kaaj who rose out of ashes and blood, and passed the entrance exam, while physically and psychologically wounded, shoed that they just are more determined by each attack to continue their education and to not surrender to the terrorists.

According to the list Kaaj provided to Jade Abresham Weekly more than 300 students of Kaaj have been admitted to public universities across the country. On the other hand, out of 10 top students ranked by the Ministry of Higher Education, 4 of the Kaaj students. Mohammad Zia Hakimi obtained 3530931 out of 360, Mansur Big obtained 3530491, Najibullah obtained 3520995, and Abdullah obtained 3520995 out of 360 and consequently was ranked as the fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth. Out of 300 students of Kaaj who successfully passed the national entrance exam, 200 of them obtained more than 200 marks out of 300 marks. In addition to this, 17 students of Kaaj who were injured in the terrorist attack and have not recovered completely, participated at the national entrance exam and they also successfully passed the exam. Out of these 17 students, Mohammad obtained 343, Hamidullah obtained 341, Sarah obtained 330.5, Parwana obtained 330, Moein obtained 322 and Fatima obtained 317 makrs and were admitted to their favorite fields.

“We had highly talented students at Kaaj who were 000پرپر شدند unfortunately. For example, Wahida Haidari could be among the top 10 national exam students or she even could be at the top of the list. ”Engineer Abdul Raeuf Hesary, Manager of preparatory exams of Kaaj told Jade Abresham weekly. And “The suicide attack impacted negatively on students. If had not happened, Kaaj students could have obtained better marks in the national entrance exam.” He added. “Our people will not surrender to such brutal attacks.” He stressed. When Kaaj students attend the educational center and remember their classmates, they cry unintentionally for their friends who lost their dear lives in the attack.” Hesary said. According to Mr. Hesary, Kaaj educational programs will be improved and they will continue their struggles harder than before because Kaaj instructors, managers and students are more determined and motivated than the past to continue their fight for the enlightenment.

Mohammad Reza Hakimi, one of the Kaaj students who got 353.931 as the fourth rank among the top ten.

Mohammad Reza Hakimi, one of the Kaaj students who got 353.931 as the fourth rank among the top ten, told Jade Abresham Weekly that after spring of 1400 solar year (March 2021), he started getting ready for the entrance exam. Following this, he studied for 14 hours every day. It has been so difficult for him because he had to overcome numerous challenges to realize his dream. Hakimi had come from Ghazni to Kabul, and the first problem he faced was adopting to the new environment. As he has been from a poo family adopting to Kabul has been too much difficult for him. “I and five other students lived in a room that had only space for 3 three students and we had no fuel to warm it.” Hakimi said. “L ack of identifying the entrance exam date, COVID 19 widespread, and then the collapse of the Republican System were among the most difficult challenges he had faced them. “Ultimately, the suicide attack on Kaaj Educational Center, has been one of the toughest challenges he has faced just days to the entrance exam.” He said. According to Hakimi, facing tough consecutive challenges and the psychological effects of the suicide attack demotivated him at the time of entrance exam.

Mohammad Zia, who looks sad, “If the terrorist incident had not occurred, I would have obtained the top number of I entrance exam.” He said. He is not feeling well, “I have not recovered from the psychological impacts of the suicide attack and hallucinated. It takes time to recover.” He says.

Hardships of the life and unclear future of Afghanistan have disappointed him; but enthusiasm to study and learn is alive within him. “I like to study out of Afghanistan, in a safe and secure place, and compete my specialized field there. I want to get the Noble Prize in medical filed; to discover a treatment for cancer and other diseases and I want to be come one of the best doctors of the world.” Zia says. Education is very important for him and his message to other students is “Never quit! Work hard and continue your studies. It is our duty to realize the dreams of 55 Kaaj students who were killed in the suicide attack. We never surrender and the bloods of the martyrs do not allow us to quit.” He adds. In terms of the war of the ignorant army with the education, “Our message to the enemies of knowledge is that you cannot stop us; because we have concluded that education can address the root problems of Afghanistan.” He said. Hakimi urged the government to provide an opportunity for him to study abroad in order to study in a safe and secure place and serve Afghanistan better in the future.

Sareh Bayat is one of Kaaj students who obtained 330.944 marks in the entrance exam.

Sareh Bayat is one of Kaaj students who obtained 330.944 marks in the entrance exam. “I started studying a preparatory exam courses at Kaaj one and a half years ago. During this period, I studied in a specific room and only rested for 4 or 5 hours in 24 hours.” She said.  According to her, insecurity, suspension of girls schools, uncertainty about holding the annual entrance exam have been the most challenging issues she faced before the entrance exam.

Suicide attack on Kaaj Educational Center was the last and worst incident that affected negatively the students physically and emotionally. “It was just one week to the national entrance exam, as a result we were not able to recover and continue our studies; but when I remembered my martyred classmates and their dreams, I was determined to work harder than before.”, Sareh Said. “My Martyered friend, Nargis, and I wished to open a hospital named after Kaaj doctors; but she left me alone and went to the paradise; but I worked hard and could pass the entrance exam successfully and was admitted to the Kabul Medical Faculty (Ave Sina).” She said. According to her, seeking knowledge is the only way that can save Afghanistan from the current crisis.

Hamidullah Mohibbi, one of other students of Kaaj who was injured in the attack on Sept 30, 2022, gained 341 marks in the national entrance exam, was among the ten top students.

Hamidullah Mohibbi, one of other students of Kaaj who was injured in the attack on Sept 30, 2022, gained 341 marks in the national entrance exam, was among the ten top students. “As there was few days left to the entrance exam, I could not study properly and I was too worried and afraid.” He said. As he is a an enthusiastic student, he wants to become the best world physician in his field of study to cure many Afghan patients. He urges the Take care government to provide him an opportunity to study abroad to continue his education in safe and secure place.

Fatima Amiri, is one of other students of Kaaj who was injured seriously, gained 317 marks.

Fatima Amiri, is one of other students of Kaaj who was injured seriously, gained 317 marks. Ms. Amiri’s determination was not affected by the attack and could obtain the top number among those who were admitted to computer science faculty of Kabul University. “I never went to bed before 12: PM. And I mostly went to bed at 01: AM or 02 AM and I usually got up at 05: AM and was getting ready for the entrance for two years.” She said. Life has not been easy for her during the tow last years and she has faced many problems during this period. “First I had financial problem. I nearly could not afford to buy the books I needed and I was not able to pay the fees for the course too.” She said.

Ms. Amiri was highly determined to be at the top list of entrance exam. “I wanted to get the top number among those who pass the entrance exam or at least to be among the ten top students.” She said. The much the entrance exam day was closer the more she felt happier; “but missing my friends and losing my eye in the attack was intolerable for me.” She said. While she has been wounded in such a way that may not be able to forget that tragic incident, she cannot think of it. She complains of eye ache, ear ache and tooth ache. She only have suffered in Afghanistan. “I want to study out of Afghanistan. Because education for women in Afghanistan is too much difficult and currently there is no chance for women to study at universities. I like to study in abroad, in a country with good teaching standards, and to serve my homeland to progress in the field of Technology.” She said.

In the terrorist attack on Kaaj Educational Center, not only 55 very talented students were killed, but it has demotivated the students in the suppressive environment of the country too.

Most of Kaah students who were wounded in the suicide attack and could successfully pass the entrance exam in their favorite fields, like to study in abroad.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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