Human Rights Minorities Slide Show Women

Girls Protestors in Kabul; Stop Hazara’s Genocide!


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): Girls’ right protestors rallied on October 1 condemning suicide attack on Kaaj Education Center and Hazara’s genocide in Daht Barchi west of Kabul.

Chanting “Genocide is a crime” and “Silence is a betrayal”, they urget Taliban take care government to stop Hazara’s genocide.

The Taliban fighters as usual suppressed protesting girls and beating them with the barrel of guns, electric shock, and firing in the air.

One of the protesting girls who did want his name to be mentioned, said that one of the Taliban fighters hit with the barrel of the gun on the head of a protesting girl and as a result she is hospitalized now and they have broken the ribs of another girl.

“Taliban hit on the mouth of a girl and broke her teeth; I rushed to clean the blood of the mouth of the girl and another Taliban fighter kicked me and I fell of the ground.” She added.

In a video receive by Jade Abresham Weely, it shows a Taliban fighter injures the arm a protesting girl.

Women’s rights protesters said that the Taliban fighters had closed all the ways to Dasht barchi in west of Kabul in order to prevent other groups of women to join the rally.

In addition to suppressing girls by violent methods, the Taliban fighters prevented media coverage of the event. The Taliban fighters prevented media coverage of the rally by firing in the air.

Local sources said that the Taliban fighters have beaten up some reporters and have seized the cameras and equipment of the reporters.

At the same time, a number of Education University girl students rallied in the university campus protesting the suicide attack on Kaaj Education Center.

The rallied chanting “We want security” and “Education is our right.”

About 100 students were killed in the suicide attack on Kaaj Education Center in Dasht Barchi, west of Kabul which most of the were girl students.

UNAMA in a twit said 35 people have been killed and 82 injured in the attack; “Our Human Rights teams in Kabul help to form precise background for the victims of Kaaj Education Center in Hazara’s area.” UNAMA said.

According to UANAMA most of the victims have been girl students.

The Taliban have said they will punish the perpetrators.

No group has accepted the responsibility of the horrific attack yet.
The silence of the terrorist groups in Afghanistan indicates that the attack has been master minded in one of the Taliban’s offices in Kabul.

Since Ashraf Ghani’s rule the structured and deliberately attacks on Hazaras; education centers have gradually increased in Afghanistan.

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مدیر وبسایت

مدیر وبسایت

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