Human Rights Minorities Slide Show

Kaaj Suicide attack takes lives of many students


Jade-Abresham(Silk Way): Suicide bombers attacked Kaaj Educational Center located in west of Kabul at 7:00am on 30 September.

According to the witnesses, the suicide bombers first killed the gauds of the Education Center and the entered the classroom where 400 students were sitting for entrance exam practice.

According to the reports, the suicide bomber went off among the girl students.
The injured students have been transferred to Watan, Modern and Mohammad Ali Jinah hospitals.

According to the reports the Taliban fighters have surrounded the area and do not allow anyone to the area.

Local sources have reported that the Taliban have beaten up the families of victims by guns and have forced them to leave the area.

At the same time, Khalib zadran the spokesperson for the Taliban police commander in Kabul said that according to the primary data 19 people have been killed and 27 injured.

The number of casualties according to the people is much higher than the official figures.

According to the local reports at least 56 dead bodies and injured people have been transferred to mohammad Ali Jinah and Watan hospitals in the west of Kabul. Out of 56 people, 35 have been transferred to Mohammad Ali Jinah and 21 have been transferred to Watan Hospitals.

No group has accepted the responsibility of the attack yet.

Kaaj is the former Mawoud Education Center which was targeted in 2018 killing 50 students. And then it changed its name from Mawoud to Kaaj.

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